Creating an Image Management Task


You can create as many image management tasks as you need. These can be executed in the Image Management Task setup and the Plate Viewer.


To create a new image management task:

  1. On the Explorer, click Imaging, right-click the Image Management folder, and select New Image Management Task.

  2. Select the search path by dragging an item from the Explorer and dropping it into the Preview Search Paths table. The search path can be any item found under Projects on the tree, including projects, protein formulations, experiments, plates, folders, or even the entire Projects directory itself.

  3. Right-click the Actions table and select New Action.

  4. Under Operation, select one of the following options:

In the Actions table, the name of the action changes according to the selections you make in the Operation area.

Sample task 1 will move images older than 30 days scored as Dust to New Storage.

Image Management Task - Dust to New Storage

Sample task 2 will move images scored as crystal or small crystal in experiment having ID 245.

Image Management Task - Crystal or Small Crystal in ID 245

  1. In the Constraints area, define the constraints that will determine which images are affected by the operation. You can use the Basic interface, or define constraints on the Advanced tab. Each action must have at least one constraint.

  2. Repeat steps 3 - 5 to add more actions to the image management task.

  3. Click Preview to preview the images that will be affected by the actions. The preview allows you to verify that the task is targeting the right images before you execute it. At the top of the table, ROCK MAKER will note the number of files that will be affected by the task, as well as the total amount of memory occupied by the files and the amount of space that will be freed up as a result of any move or delete actions.

Tip: To easily view the images affected by each action, sort the table by the Action column.

  1. OPTIONAL: Select the Run in background check box to automate your image management task. Automated image management tasks run on their own, without needing to be initiated by a user. If you have at least one image management task that is automated, an icon will appear in the notification area, on the far right side of the taskbar. You can click the icon to access the log files for all of the automated management tasks.

  2. OPTIONAL: Select the desired option from the On error dropdown list. These options determine how ROCK MAKER will proceed if an error occurs during an automated image management process. Select Ignore and Continue if you want ROCK MAKER to ignore the error and continue with all scheduled tasks. Abort after current action completes causes ROCK MAKER to complete the current image management task, but to not carry out other automated tasks. Abort Immediately causes ROCK MAKER to immediately stop all automated image management tasks after the error occurs.

  3. Execute the task by clicking Start. Each action within the image management task is executed. Depending on the number of images being moved, copied, or deleted, this may take a few minutes. Any changes in the amount of space available in your image stores is reflected in the Storage Information table.

Note: Saved image management tasks can also be executed from the Image Management tab of the Plate Viewer.


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