You are here: Quick Start Guides : Sitting Drop Experiments

Sitting Drop Experiments

Follow the steps below to set up and run a Sitting Drop experiment. There are five overall steps:


Power On the NT8 and Start the Software

  1. Connect the NT8 to your computer using the USB cable.

  2. Find the power switch located on the back-right of the NT8 and turn it on.

  3. Double-click the NT8 icon on your computer’s desktop. It will take a few moments for the NT8 software to load while the NT8 initializes. The instrument indicator on the bottom-left corner of the software will turn green when the NT8 is connected and ready to use.


Set Up the NT8 Hardware

  1. Place the tip caddy and the MRC 2 Well Crystallization plate on the NT8. Each well should contain 50 μL of solution.

  2. Place the protein tray on the protein block, and put the protein tray clamp on top of the protein tray to hold it in place. You will pipette your protein into the protein block after you set up the software.


Option 1: Set up the Software with the Sitting Drop Template

A Sitting Drop experiment setup template is pre-installed with your software. You may use it if you plan to combine 100 nL of well solution with 100 nL of protein for a total dispense volume of 200 nL. You can also modify these volumes by double-clicking the item on the task list. However, you must use the MRC 2 Well Crystallization plate in order to use this template.


To use this template:

  1. Click the Open Task List button .

  2. Open the Sample folder and select the Sitting Drop MRC2 100 nL Protein and 100 nL Well Solution task list.

  3. Click Open.

  4. Set the protein volume by right-clicking the protein block image and selecting Set Protein Volume. Select the column that you will pipette protein into and enter the volume in the appropriate field. The volume must be the same in each well in a column.

  5. Optional: If you need to change the aspirate or dispense volumes, double-click the task in the Task List and edit the volume.

  6. Run your experiment by clicking the Run Task List button .


Option 2: Manually Set Up the NT8 Software

  1. Mimic the NT8’s physical setup with the software:
  2. Add the Pick Tip command to the Task List by double-clicking the LV Tip Caddy image.

  3. Click the Repeat button on the Task List to mark the beginning of tasks you will repeat on each column of your plate.

  4. Add the Wash Tip command to the Task List by double-clicking the Wash Station image.

  5. Now you’ll begin adding aspirate and dispense commands. First, tell the NT8 to aspirate from your protein source by adding an Aspirate command.
  6. Now you’ll tell the NT8 to aspirate your well solution.
  7. Instruct the NT8 to dispense the protein and well solution mixture to the drop location on the microplate.
  8. Click End Repeat in the Task List to select it.

  9. Add the Dispose Tip command to the Task List by clicking the Waste Station image.

  10. Optional: Save your Task List by clicking the Save button .


Add Protein to the Protein Block


Run the Task List


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