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F.A.S.T. API Integration


F.A.S.T. liquid handler API (Application Programming Interface) enables you to integrate the F.A.S.T. instrument with your devices for automation purposes. Go to the Your F.A.S.T. instrument hostname:5003/restapi/ on your internet browser to see the detailed description of the F.A.S.T. API commands.


Note: For example your instrument number is 205, the host number will be fa100005. Only the last two digits of your instrument number being used.

Important: The F.A.S.T. API can only be accessed by your automation engineer or authorized IT personnel, any violation could result in instrument damage or error.

How to Access the API Integration Page


API Integration Flowchart

The flowchart below demonstrates the workflow of the F.A.S.T. API integration.

The API Integration Flowchart


F.A.S.T. API Page Overview

The F.A.S.T. liquid handler API page consists of five tabs: Instrument, Manual Operation, Protocol, Tray, and Schemas. Each tab includes a set of commands and functions to be used for the integration, except for the last tab Schemas. This tab displays detailed information on the other four tabs. See the picture below to overview the F.A.S.T. API Integration page and read the table for the details of the commands.

F.A.S.T. API Integration Page


Tab Commands Description
Instrument /status Get instrument status details.
Manual Operation /manualoperation/home Home all motors of the instrument.
/manualoperation/ejecttip Run eject tips sequence.
/manualoperation/move/idleposition Move the instrument to an idle position.
/manualoperation/touchprobe/extend Extend touch probe.
/manualoperation/touchprobe/extend/notworking Try to re-extend the touch probe.
/manualoperation/touchprobe/retract Retract touch probe.
/manualoperation/autocalibration Run the auto calibration on an active tray.
Protocol /protocol/run Run specified protocol.
/protocol/settips Manually set tips on tip caddy.
/protocol/scantips Manually detect tips on tip caddy if there is an error.
/protocol/pause Pause the protocol execution.
/protocol/resume Resume the paused protocol.
/protocol/abort Abort the current loaded protocol.
/protocol/dispensereport Get a dispense report of the protocol that has been executed.
Tray /tray/setplate Set plate on a specific deck insert.
/tray/removeplate Remove plate on a specific deck insert.
/tray/setcaddy Set the caddy used on the instrument.
/tray/get Get the registered active tray on the instrument.
/tray/getplatedefinitions Get all registered plate definitions on the instrument.
/tray/clear Clear the instrument’s tray.
/tray/setid Manually set Tray ID, if the instrument fails to scan the tray.
Schemas ProtocolExecState Contains the detailed data when users call GET status.
InstrumentStatuses Shows the current status of the instrument.
ProtocolProgress Shows the progress of the protocol.
UIMessage Shows the detailed UI messages.
UIMessageType Shows the types of UI messages.
ProtocolResponse Shows response of a protocol.
FastErrorCode Shows the detailed error codes.
WellPos Shows the details of well’s positions.
CaddyType Shows the type of the Caddy.
ProtocolResponseOfIntegrationAPITrayModel Shows the details of the data information about the tray ID, deck insert number, and the plate definition.
TrayType Shows the detail type of the Tray.


Running the F.A.S.T. API Integration

The F.A.S.T. API also provides a set of protocols written in a .CSV format and some of its examples. For more information, download the Integration CSV Protocol Example here.




To run the F.A.S.T. API integration:

  1. Call /manualoperation/move/idleposition to move the deck to its idle position, where the deck is ejected from the instrument.

Tip: You can call /status periodically until currentState shows that the device is idle while waiting for this movement to finish.

Instrument is in Idle Position

  1. Place the plate on the tray insert.

  2. Optional: If you haven’t set the plate list using the CSV above, call /tray/setcaddy and /tray/setplate to manually set the plate to the instrument. Skip this step if you have set the plate list.

  3. To start running the protocol, you can call /protocol/run with a string of CSV protocol.

  4. Wait while the system is validating the protocol and the instrument status. If an error occurs, see how to handle it from the Validation Error Handling.

  5. When the validation has finished, the instrument will scan tips on the caddy and identify whether the number of tips on the caddy are enough for the current protocol execution. If an error occurs, see how to handle it from the Scan Tips Error Handling.

  6. Then, F.A.S.T. will execute the protocol.

Tip: You can periodically call /status to check for execution status while the process is running.

Note: While the F.A.S.T. instrument is executing a protocol, errors might happen and require users' action. See Runtime Error Handling for more information.

  1. Execution is completed when the currentState is back to idle with lastEvent contains messageType: 5, described as executionDone and the execution errorCode: 0, described as NoError.

Protocol Execution is Done


Error Handling

There are three kinds of error handling in the F.A.S.T. API integration: Validation, Scan Tips, and Runtime. See the provided table in each section to get the details of the errors.



Unit 6, Level 13, Gate District, Gate Building

Dubai International Financial Centre

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

