You are here: Dispensing with the FORMULATOR > Concepts > Gradients and Backfill Volume

Gradients and Backfill Volume

When you design a dispense with FORMULATOR, you can choose to vary the volume across the plate in a number of ways using the Gradient feature.

Constant Volume

Use this feature if you want all the wells to contain a constant volume.

Constant Volume


Horizontal Gradient

When you select a horizontal gradient fill, the volume will increase gradually from left to right across the plate.

Horizontal Gradient Fill

Vertical Gradient

When you select a vertical gradient fill, the volume will increase gradually from the top of the plate to the bottom of the plate.

Vertical Gradient Fill

Forward Diagonal Gradient

When you select a forward diagonal gradient fill, the volume will increase gradually from the top-left corner of the plate to the bottom-right corner of the plate.

Forward Diagonal Gradient Fill

Backward Diagonal Gradient

When you select a backward diagonal gradient fill, the volume will decrease gradually from the bottom-left corner of the plate to the top-right corner of the plate.

Backward Diagonal Gradient Fill

Backfill Volume

Backfill is useful if you are using varying volumes for different ingredients, but you want each well to have the same total volume. If you select Backfill Volume, the FORMULATOR will fill all the wells to the same total volume using various amounts of water (water is the default backfill; however, you can backfill with a different reagent). To use this feature, click the radio button next to Backfill Volume and enter the desired total volume for each well in the associated field.

The backfill volume should be the final item on the dispense list. If you must add an additional reagent after you have already added a backfill volume, delete the backfill volume item on the dispense list and add it again after you have defined the additional reagent(s). The software is not programmed to recalculate backfill volumes if new items are added to the dispense list.

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