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Importing Dispense Data

If you have externally generated experiment designs saved as .CSV files, (either volume or concentration data) you can easily load them into MANTIS software using the Import Dispense Data feature. Currently there are two support layouts: Well Name Based and Reagent Name Based. MANTIS will convert your .CSV file into a dispense list and allow you to edit each of the experiment parameters, if necessary. When you have finished editing the parameters, you can save your work as a protocol to be used for future dispenses. Protocols generated from .CSV files even allow reloading of updated data after saving.


In this section, you will learn how to import your .CSV file for dispense using the MANTIS. The two options for the .CSV file format are:

  1. Well Name Based format defines the dispense information with data arranged in rows, with one row per well/reagent combination. This allows omitting well/reagent combinations with 0 for target volume. Click to learn more about Importing the experiment design data from a Well Name Based .CSV file.

    Well Name Based Example Shown in Microsoft Excel

  2. Reagent Name Based format defines what reagents are to be dispensed and in what amounts without referencing specific well names. A Reagent Name Based file arranges its data in columns, with one reagent per column and one row per well. Click to learn more about Importing the experiment design data from the Reagent Name Based .CSV file.

    Reagent Name Based Example Shown in Microsoft Excel



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