Tip Caddy Stations

In order for the NT8 to pick up tips from the tip caddy on the machine, you must configure the tip caddies in the software.

LV Tip and HV Tip Caddy Stations


Setting Up the Low Volume Tip Caddy

  1. Drag the LV Tip Caddy container to the LV tip caddy station (skip this step if the LV Tip Caddy container is already there).

  2. Right-click on the LV tip caddy station and select Configure LV Tip Caddy. The Tip Caddy Setup dialog box appears.

Low Volume Tip Caddy Setup

  1. Click the Set Full button if you want to set the entire tip caddy. To set individual tips, click the desired tip (represented by the four circles inside the box).


Other right-click menu options:

Item Description
Pick Tip Adds the Pick Tip command to the task list. You can also add a pick tip command to a specific index location by right-clicking on the desired tip index and selecting Pick Tip.
New Tip Caddy Creates a new LV tip caddy.
Detach LV Tip Caddy Detaches the LV tip caddy.


Setting Up the High Volume Tip Caddy (Plate Copy Option Only)

  1. Drag the HV Tip Caddy container into the HV tip caddy station (skip this step if the HV Tip Caddy container is already there).

  2. Right-click on the HV tip caddy station and select Configure HV Tip Caddy. The Tip Caddy Setup dialog box appears.

High Volume Tip Caddy Setup

  1. Click Set Full if you want to set the entire pipette tip caddy. For individual settings, click the desired pipette tip (represented by a circle inside the box).


Other HV tip caddy right-click menus:

Item Description
Pick Tip Adds the Pick Tip command to the task list.
Return Tip Adds the Dispose Tip command to the Task List. This option appears only when you have added the Pick Tip command.
New Tip Caddy Creates a new HV tip caddy.
Detach HV Tip Caddy Detaches the HV tip caddy.


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Bedford, MA 01730 USA



