You are here: Software Overview : Task List View (The Main View) : Protein Source Station

Protein Source Station

The Protein Source Station is an area in the NT8 software where you interact with your protein solutions, such as adding an aspirate and dispense task to the Protein Tray Station. As a very low dead volume machine, the NT8 requires proper setup of reagents to ensure optimal performance.

Protein Source Station

An inactive protein source is indicated by a grey Protein Source Station in the Device View. You must set up your protein source in NT8 before performing any experiments involving either the high volume (HV) or low volume (LV) protein block. Read below to better understand the difference between HV and LV protein blocks.

Inactive Protein Source

Low Volume (LV) Protein Block High Volume (HV) Protein Block

Can hold up to 3 μL of protein sample, 300 nL of which is dead volume.

Can hold up to 13 μL of protein sample, 500 nL of which is dead volume.

Can be filled using an LCP head (if present).

The volume can be calculated by NT8 either manually or automatically.

Always calculates protein volume automatically.

Provides continuous update of the remaining protein volume in the protein tray during an aspiration task (if you set the volume manually)

An active low volume protein block is indicated by the words Low Volume appearing at the top of the Protein Source Station icon, as shown below.

Active Low Volume Protein Block

An active high volume protein block is indicated by the words High Volume appearing at the top of the Protein Source Station icon, as shown below.

Active High Volume Protein Block

See the sections below for more information on automatic and manual protein volume calculation.

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