Fixing Silicone Seals and Chip Leakage

You must check the chip position and the silicone seals on the tube caps, in the tube caps (tube to cap seal), and on the base chip, if you notice any of the following issues when using PULSE.

Leakage Warning Message


Silicone Seals on the PULSE Instrument

If you encounter any of these issues, follow the tutorial below to fix the leakage.


To fix the tube cap seal and chip leakage:

  1. Open the handle clamp and remove the filter chip.

  2. Check the silicone seals on the tube caps, in the tube caps, and on the base chip under the handle clamp. Make sure the seals are not torn or detached.

  3. OPTIONAL: The PULSE device includes replacement seals. If the seals are broken, replace them with the new ones.

    A Set of Replacement Seals


    Replacing the Cap Seal

  4. Reload the chip to and make sure the chip position fits the inputs. You should hear a click sound when the chip is in the correct position.

  5. Run the PULSE instrument. If the problem persists, please contact for assistance.


10 DeAngelo Drive

Bedford, MA 01730


