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Running a Profile



To run a profile:

  1. Tap the RUN button located in the upper-right corner of your screen.

  2. Wait for the Components Availability Checker to ensure that all required components are properly attached.

    µPULSE Components Availability Checker

  3. The profile will run and you can see the concentration progress in the STATUS tab, even from your external device. See Monitoring the µPULSE Status from an External Device for more information.


Important: If you hear a hissing sound and an error message appears, the silicone seals are not properly aligned with the filter chip and air is leaking. Before continuing, check the chip and the silicone seals and reposition them if necessary, then try again. If this problem persists, please contact for assistance. For more information, see .

  1. OPTIONAL: Use the Mixing Cycle button in the middle of the concentration according to your preference.

  2. The cycle will pause and switch to Manual Control when the final volume is less than 3 mL. This allows you to check the volume before finishing the profile and to prevent µPULSE from over concentrating the sample.

    Manual Control Options

  3. Once your sample has reached the desired volume, tap Proceed to Recovery and select one of the liquid recovery options.

  4. If you select AIRor BUFFER, define the Approximate Volume and µPULSE will automatically calculate the Est. Final Volume after Recovery in mL.

  5. Tap RECOVER to initiate the recovery process, or tap FINISH PROFILE if you wish to finish the recovery process.

  6. When the cycle is complete, open the chip cover and carefully remove the chip, tubing, and transfer tubing.



The Status Tab in Auto Profile


The STATUS tab allows you to check and monitor any processes being executed by the µPULSE hardware.


The GRAPH tab shows the volume vs. time comparison in real time during execution.

It provides a visual representation of the sample and buffer volumes as the µPULSE runs a profile. When the instrument is active, the lines will have color (Sample= Orange, Buffer= Blue, Target Final Volume= Red).

The Graph Tab in Auto Profile

Click the PARAMETERS tab to monitor the pressures in real time.

The Parameters Tab in Auto Profile



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