You are here: Tutorials > Setting Up Manual Profile

Setting up the Manual Profile

If automatic volume tracking isn’t necessary, users can opt to directly create and execute a sequence of cycles using MANUAL PROFILE. This can be used for slower concentrations that will run for a significant amount of time making volume tracking unnecessary, or when doing repetitive buffer exchange steps. It includes the same seven cycles available in a profile: Priming, Concentrating, Buffer Exchange, Air Recovery, Buffer Recovery, Tube Mixing, and Recirculation.



To learn more about each part in the MANUAL PROFILE menu, read the explanation below.



No Item Description

Add a new cycle card.

Load Button

Load and/or rename the saved sequence.

Save Button

Save the sequence you've created.

Help Button

Tap to show the MANUAL PROFILE help page.
5 REPEAT ALL Repeat the sequence for x time(s).

Delete All Button

Delete all cycle cards.

Grip Indicator

Drag and drop the grip indicator to move the card.

ON/OFF Switch

  • Select ON to include the cycle during sequence execution.
  • Select OFF to skip the cycle during sequence execution.

Cycle Selector

Tap and select one of the cycles in the list.

Cycle Time Settings

Determine the cycle iteration or cycle execution time.

Cycle Settings Button

Open the cycle settings.

Delete Cycle Button

Delete a cycle card from the list.


Setting up the Manual Profile

µPULSE allows you to create and run a sequence based on the number of pumps and time (in minutes) in the MANUAL PROFILE menu. To setup a new profile, follow the instructions below:


  1. Select the MANUAL PROFILE tab.

    µPULSE Home Screen

  2. Tap the button.

  3. Tap on the cycle card and select one of the cycles according to your preference.

  4. Configure your cycle settings from the following options.

    1. ON/OFF button will switch the step on or off in the designed sequence.

    2. Select between the number of pumps or the number of minutes for which you may want to perform that operation.

      Selecting the ON/OFF Switch Button

    3. Tap on the Settings button to open the pressure settings. You can adjust the required pressures a according to the sequence requirements.

    4. Tap SAVE after adjusting the pressure values.

    Manual Profile Settings

  5. To run the Mixing Cycle process, select TUBE MIXING and/or RECIRCULATION.

    Mixing Cycle Setup in Manual Profile

    Customize the number of pumps and the duration according to your needs.

  6. Tap the button to add another step to the sequence. Repeat step 4 to configure the settings for the current step.

    Adding New Cycle

  7. If necessary, change the sequence of the steps by dragging the Grip Indicator up or down.

  8. OPTIONAL: To repeat the sequence, fill in the number of repetition(s) in the REPEAT ALL option.

  9. OPTIONAL: Tap the Save button on the Navigation Bar.

    Note: For future use, load the saved profile by tapping the Load button .

  10. Then, tap RUN.


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