SONICC Imaging Guidelines

To get the best results from your SONICC imager, you should fully understand all of the image controls — what they do, how to use them, and how to optimize them.

Continuous Zoom

The angles of the scanning mirrors are controlled to provide continuous zoom while imaging. The laser power is automatically adjusted when the zoom is adjusted to compensate for over-exposure. The scan angles can be adjusted from 1x (2 mm x 2 mm FOV) to 10x (200 µm x 200 µm FOV).

If performing drop location, drops are first located with the visible imager. Then, the coordinates are translated to the SONICC imager and the scan angles automatically adjusted to match the visible FOV.


Laser Power

The SHG and UV-TPEF signal scales with the quadratic of the incident laser power. The laser power is defined as the power at the sample and is calibrated for each system. There is a large dynamic range of signal intensity from one sample. It is recommended to test a few drops with SONICC in manual mode to determine the optimal laser power.

The intensity of the signal generated from protein crystals varies significantly from sample to sample based on the protein, crystal class, orientation, size, and quality. Therefore, it is impossible to give precise imaging parameters to optimize the amount of signal collected. Based on experience, it is suggested to use the following parameters:





The current electronic package allows 512 x 512 image acquisition for one z-slice in 500 ms. This corresponds to 8 traces of the fast scanning mirror per line. A one drop 96 well plate can be imaged with SHG in 15 minutes with 8 z-slices and 5 minutes for visible imaging.



Signal intensity in UV-TPEF images is dependent upon the number of tryptophans in the protein. A recommended starting point would be around 100 mW. Depending on the system, full power is usually around 200 mW. If needed, full power can be used relatively safely, but do not leave full power focused on a single spot or on for an extended amount of time due to the potential for thermal decomposition to your samples.



SHG signal intensity is dependent on the presence or absence of a chromophore, crystal class, and crystal quality.

For example, proteins with chromophores need only ~100 mW, whereas 350 mW would be an appropriate power for other samples. A good starting point is 300 mW. From there, you can adjust according to your specific sample.

The maximum laser power is ~550 mW (dependent on system), users should exercise caution when using such high power for extended periods on samples. Routine imaging with < 400 mW is optimal.



The minimum exposure time for SONICC images is 447ms, due to the way SONICC images are captured. You can input any value you like for exposure time in SONICC, but the system will always round to the nearest multiple of 447ms. For example, if you input 500ms the system will use 447ms, if you input 1000ms the system will use 894ms, and so on. Usually, exposure times of 447ms or 894ms are sufficient for screening. Higher quality images can be obtained for specific drops with longer acquisitions.

In manual mode, the first time you turn Live Image ON, the frame is mistimed resulting in a segmented image. If Live Image is turned OFF and then back ON (within 15 seconds of each other) then the image will be re-synced.

In automatic imaging, we address this "behind the scenes" — the first slice of the first drop or region imaged is discarded and then repeated.


Imaging Settings

Name Exposure Time (ms) Resolution Laser Power (mW) Sensor
UV-TPEF Low Power 500 1x1 20 UV-TPEF
UV-TPEF Imaging 500 1x1 125 UV-TPEF
UV TPEF High Power 1000 1x1 200 UV-TPEF
SHG Low Power 500 1x1 50 SHG
SHG Imaging 500 1x1 325 SHG
SHG High Power 1000 1x1 400 SHG

Important: Urea and tryptophan are good test samples, but should ONLY be imaged with the low-power imaging settings.


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Bedford, MA 01730


