You are here: Software Overview : Schedule Menu

Schedule Menu

The Schedule menu chronologically lists all automated imaging tasks as defined in ROCK MAKER®. This menu consists of three tabs: Queued Schedule, Future Schedule, and History Schedule.


Queued Schedule Tab

This tab lists all plates that are currently waiting to be imaged. Each imaging schedule is moved from the Future Schedule tab to this queue on the day of its scheduled imaging.

Queued Schedule Tab

Queued Schedule Tab


Future Schedule Tab

The Future Schedule tab displays future imaging tasks for all plates in the system. Once you add a plate to ROCK IMAGER®, its imaging schedules will automatically be populated on this tab.

Future Schedule Tab

Future Schedule Tab

Once you select a schedule(s) on either the Queued Schedule or Future Schedule tab, the schedule-related command panel with the following options will appear:

Schedule-related Command Panel

Queued Schedule tab only:

History Schedule Tab

The History Schedule tab displays a comprehensive record of all imaging tasks attempted within the system, providing a complete history since the software’s initial use. By configuring the date, you can view the imaging task history for specific days.

History Schedule Tab

History Schedule Tab

Selecting an experiment in the History Schedule tab opens the following panel on the right side, displaying plate information and its imaging schedule.

Plate Schedule (Left) and Plate Information (Right)

Plate Schedule (Left) and Plate Information (Right)



Frequently Asked Question

► Why haven't some of my plates been imaged when their schedule has passed?

Answer: Barcode label or plate alignment issues may have stopped the plates from being imaged. These plates will not be imaged until the problem is resolved. Contact if you need assistance handling troubled plates.

► When do we need to use the Move to Queued Schedule or Move Back to Future Schedule feature?

Answer: You cannot move schedules originally on the Queued Schedule tab to the Future Schedule tab. However, you can do it the other way around in case the Imager is not busy and you want to accelerate the experiment imaging schedules.


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