You are here: Experiment Design : Tutorials : Working with Screens : Importing Screen Conditions

Importing Screen Conditions

Instead of manually entering screen conditions, you can import pre-existing screen conditions to ROCK MAKER. For your convenience, ROCK MAKER allows you to import these screens in two different ways, all of which are available in the Import/Export group on the Design tab. When you import a condition, ROCK MAKER will create a new condition list layer that contains the imported screen conditions.

Options to Import Screen Conditions

Screen Import Overview

In order to take full advantage of the importing screen features in ROCK MAKER, you must know all of the available methods to import your screens.

Option Description

Import XML Screen

Imports commercial screens and screens that have been shared with you in an .XML format. If you wish to import an XML screen file from another company, it must be in RMXML format.

Import Text File

Since plain-text format requires no special editor, we recommend saving screens as a plain-text file using Import Text File. It can also make sharing screen files easy if your colleagues are using different ROCK MAKER software or LIMS.



Importing Screen Conditions

This section explains how to import screen conditions in ROCK MAKER .XML and .TXT file formats. Click on the corresponding menu to view the tutorial.


Importing RMXML Screen Files

This XML template—provided for use in ROCK MAKER—is an open format available to anyone who wishes to use it for development purposes.

Note: You can browse the ROCK MAKER XML screen file repository and import any files there to ROCK MAKER.


Importing Screen Text Files

This feature is built to complement ROCK MAKER’s ability to export a screen file in a text format. Should you ever need to reuse the screens you exported, you can simply use Import Text File.


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