You are here: Viewing and Scoring Images : Tutorials : Adjusting Image Viewing Settings : Viewing and Deleting Image Inspections

Viewing and Deleting Image Inspections

In this section, you will learn how to view images by inspection, find inspections in different ways, and delete inspections.


Viewing Images by Inspection

When you open the Images view of an experiment, ROCK MAKER displays images from the most recent inspection by default. To view images that were taken at a different time, you must select the appropriate inspection. ROCK MAKER provides several ways to do this.



Deleting Image Inspections

You can delete an inspection and all associated images and data.

  1. Navigate to a particular inspection using one of the methods explained above.

  2. In the Images tab set, click the Import/Export tab, and then click the Delete button.

  1. Click Yes to confirm the operation.


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