Creating Protein Formulations


This topic explains how to first create a protein formulation, and then how to add ingredients to your protein formulation.

Note: You can learn how to create Protein Formulations using Rock Maker University! At the end of the tutorial, you will have a protein formulation that you can use in an experiment.

Creating a Protein Formulation

Before using a protein formulation in an experiment, you must enter a few details regarding its preparation and storage, and also define its ingredients. You can create protein formulations at both the project level and the protein-formulation level on the Explorer.


To create a new protein formulation:

  1. From the Explorer, right-click a project, a folder within a project, or a protein formulation, and then select New Protein Formulation .


    Click a project, folder, or protein formulation, and then click the New Protein Formulation button on the Home ribbon.

  2. Rename the protein formulation by typing over the default name in the Explorer. Try to be as descriptive as possible.

  3. Use the following table as a guide for completing the general information in the upper portion of the Protein Formulation page.
    IDRock Maker automatically assigns this number to the protein formulation.
    Protein Lot IDThe number of the lot from which the protein formulation was taken.
    ClassThe class of the formulation, e.g. its protein family name or compound series name.
    Date PreparedThe date the protein formulation was prepared. Click the down arrow and select the proper date from the drop-down calendar.
    Liquid ClassThe liquid class of the formulation. You can click the list to select the liquid class such as Unassigned, Normal, Medium, High, Very High, and Volatile.
    Volume (μL)The volume of the protein formulation. This box is optional.
    Storage Temp.The temperature at which the protein formulation is stored. This box is optional.
    Extinction CoefficientThe extinction coefficient of the protein. This box is optional.
    Notebook Page #In this box, you may type a reference to notes you have in your own notebook. This field accepts any type of text, not just numeric. For example, you may type something similar to “Notebook 17, page 43.”
  4. Now you are ready to add ingredients.


Adding Ingredients

The Protein Formulation screen contains two tables for recording ingredients of a protein formulation:


To add a new ingredient:

  1. Right-click the Protein Formulation Ingredients table and select New Ingredient. A new row will be inserted.

  2. Use the following table as a guide for entering information about the new ingredient:
    TypeClick in this box and select a type to assign to the ingredient. Protein formulation ingredient types are managed via the Ingredient Types option on the right-click menu.
    NameType the name of the ingredient here.
    IDYou may assign any type of ID to the ingredient. This is useful for assigning an ingredient tracking number that you are using in a database external to Rock Maker.
    LotYou also may type any value in the Lot box. This is useful for tracking an ingredient lot number that is stored in a database external to Rock Maker.
    MW (kDa)In this box, enter the appropriate molecular weight of the ingredient in kilodaltons.

    Note: The ingredient’s molecular weight, concentration in mg/ML, and concentration in mM are interrelated. When you enter any two of these values for a protein formulation, you can hit the ENTER key while in the third box to have Rock Maker automatically compute its value.

    Conc. (mg/mL)In this box, enter the concentration of the ingredient in milligrams per milliliter.
    Conc. (mM)In this box, enter the concentration of the ingredient in millimoles.
  3. Repeat steps 1 – 2 to add more ingredients to the protein formulation.


To add a Standard Rock Maker Ingredient:

  1. Right-click the Standard Ingredients table and select New Ingredient. A new row is inserted.

  2. Use the following table as a guide for entering information about the new ingredient:
    TypeSelect an ingredient type from the list of possible types.
    NameSelect an ingredient from the list of ingredients for the selected type.
    Stock Conc.Click in the Stock Concentration column and select the appropriate ingredient stock from the list.
    Conc. UnitsThis is the concentration units of the selected stock. You cannot edit this value.
    Stock Low pHThis is the lowest stock pH available for the ingredient. This column applies only to buffers. You cannot edit this value.
    Stock High pHIf you are adding a buffer ingredient and desire a pH higher than the stock low pH, click in the Stock High pH column and select a stock that has a pH higher than the desired pH. Only stocks that have the same concentration and concentration units will be shown in this list.
    Conc.In the Conc. column, enter the desired concentration of the ingredient.

    Note: The concentration you enter cannot be greater than the stock concentration of the ingredient stock.

    pHIf you are adding a buffer to the condition, click in the pH column and type a value for the pH. This value must fall between the Stock Low pH and Stock High pH values. To achieve the desired pH, Rock Maker will mix the low-pH stock and the high-pH stock.
  3. Repeat steps 1 – 2 to add more standard ingredients to the protein formulation.

All other steps on this page are optional.



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