You are here: Administrative Tasks : Adding Plate Types to the Plate Type Library

Adding Plate Types to the Plate Type Library

Four plate definitions come packaged with the TEMPEST for your convenience, but you may need to add additional plate definitions depending on the types of plates you use. To add a new plate to the TEMPEST plate database, follow the instructions on this page.



Note: You can use the keyboard keys to control the motion when adding or modifying plate types.
W: The key moves the TEMPEST reagent inputs backward along the Y Axis.
S: The key moves the TEMPEST reagent inputs forward along the Y Axis.
A: The key moves the TEMPEST plate holder left along the X Axis.
D: The key moves the TEMPEST plate holder right along the X Axis.
R: The key moves the TEMPEST plate holder upward along the Z Axis.
F: The key moves the TEMPEST plate holder downward along the Z Axis.

The TEMPEST is equipped with 96 fixed nozzles with 9 mm horizontal and vertical pitch. However, due to the TEMPEST being able to move along both the X and Y axes and having independent nozzle control (depending on unit configuration), the TEMPEST can dispense into plateware with virtually any well size and row/column pitch. The TEMPEST New Plate Type Wizard includes a graphical presentation of your plate, which is generated by taking into consideration the number of wells, row pitch, column pitch, plate height, and well width of your plate. This graphic will also show you the position of the nozzles above the plate wells, to help you adjust the nozzle positions if necessary.

If you want to add a new 96 well-plate to the plate library, please follow the instructions below under Adding a 96-well plate to your plate library.

If you want to add a new 24 well-plate to the plate library, please follow the instructions below under Adding a 24-well plate to your plate library.

If you want to add a new 384/1536 well-plate to the plate library, please follow the instructions below under Adding a 384/1536-well plate to your library.

If you want to modify an existing plate type in the plate library, please follow the instructions under Modifying an Existing Plate Type.


You have successfully added a new plate type in the Plate Type Editor. To learn how to modify the plate settings, go to the Modifying an Existing Plate Type section below.

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