The list below contains descriptions of the available API commands and/or functions for the TEMPEST.
API Command | Description | Parameters | Return Value |
AddNewStock |
Use this command to add new stocks/reagents that have not been registered to the TEMPEST software. You can get the available liquid class to be assigned to your new stock, by using the GetLiquidClassNames command. |
barcode liquidClassName
Type: System.String If the operation succeeds, a new reagent name will be created. If the operation fails, an error message will appear. |
ClearAllInputStock |
Clear all reagents from the Reagent List. Use this command for common cases, such as to rearrange the reagent in the current input. You can later call the SetInputStock command to reassign the reagent to the input. |
errorMessage Type: System.String An error message will appear if an error occurs. |
Type: System.Boolean If the return value is true, all inputs in the Reagent List will be cleared. If the return value is false, an error message will appear. |
ClearCurrentErrorMessage |
Use this command to clear the current error. You must call a ClearCurrentErrorMessage command after you receive an error via a GetStatus API command. |
No parameter |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
ClearDispenseList |
Clear the current dispense list from the Dispense List Designer in the TEMPEST software. Use the ClearDispenseList command for the following common cases.
No parameter |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
GetAllInputStocks |
Use this command to get all current reagents in the TEMPEST input. You can use the GetAllInputStocks command for the common cases, such as when you create your own dispense list and want to know the available stocks that are ready to use. |
No parameter |
Type: InputStock[] If the operation succeeds, the return value will be an array of stock names. |
GetAllPlateInfo |
Use this command to get all available plates’ information:
No parameter |
Type: List< MicroplateInfo> If the operation succeeds, the return value will be a list of plates’ information. |
GetAvailablePlateNames |
Get a list of available plate definition file names. Use this command if you want to create your own dispense list from the TEMPEST software and want to know what plate definition is available to use. |
No parameter |
Type : System.String[] If the operation succeeds, the return value will be an array of plate names. |
GetAvailableStockNames |
Get a list of available stock names. Use this command for the following common cases. To create your own dispense list from the TEMPEST software and want to know what reagents are available to use. To assign reagents to TEMPEST input by using the SetInputStock command. |
No parameter |
Type: System.String[] If the operation succeeds, the return value will be an array of stock names. |
GetCurrentErrorMessage |
Retrieve all recent error messages from the TEMPEST software when it encounters an error. Use this command to get the details of the error after the GetStatus API returns an ERROR. |
No parameter |
Type: System.String If the operation succeeds, the return value is a string representing the recent error messages shown in the TEMPEST software. |
GetDelidderPosition |
Use this command to retrieve the delidder position settings. The GetDelidderPosition command can only be used with the systems that support the delidder function. |
Type: System.Boolean If the return value is true, the operation has successfully retrieved the delidder’s position. If the return value is false, an error message will appear. |
GetDelidderState |
Use this command to retrieve the delidder’s ON/OFF state. The GetDelidderState command can only be used with the systems that support the delidder function. |
errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean If the return value is true, the operation has successfully retrieved the delidder’s state. If the return value is false, an error message will appear. |
GetDeviceSerialNumber |
Use this command to retrieve the TEMPEST instrument serial number. |
No parameter |
Type: System.String If the operation succeeds, the return value will be the TEMPEST instrument serial number. |
GetDeviceStatus |
Use this command to retrieve the following TEMPEST instrument’s statuses:
No parameter |
Type: System.Int32 The return value is an integer representing bit status (1 means True). Here’s the list of the return value: Bit 1: TEMPEST instrument is connected. Bit 2: Simulation mode is activated. Bit 3: Pressure is in range. Bit 4: Vacuum is in range. Bit 5: Dispense is running. Bit 6: Plate is present. Bit 7: Plate clamp is closed. Bit 8: Barcode is supported. |
GetDispenseListInfo |
Use this command to get a dispense list information, such as:
No parameter |
Type: DispenseListInfo The return value will be the summary of the current dispense list, and will return null if the dispense list is empty. |
GetDispenseListStatus |
Use this command to retrieve the following dispense list statuses:
Note: If you are using the TEMPEST Dispense List file (.dl.txt) and call the GetDispenseListStatus command, the default return value is type. If you load a dispense sequence file via LoadSequence, the dispense list status will return sequence. |
No parameter |
Type: System.Int32 The return value is integer representing bit status (1 means True). Here’s the list of the return values: Bit 1: type (0: dispense list(default), 1: sequence) Bit 2: File is loaded. Bit 3: Reagents have been assigned to inputs and ready to use. Bit 4: Protocol uses barcode. Bit 5: Protocol has a default dispense list. |
GetFirmwareVersion | Use this command to retrieve the current firmware version of the TEMPEST instrument. | No parameter |
Type: System.String If the operation succeeds, the return value will be the current firmware version of the TEMPEST instrument. |
GetInputStock | Use this command to retrieve the available stock information in a particular input number, including: stock/reagent name, liquid class, and input number. |
Represents which input the stock is taken out from. |
Type: InputStock The return value will be the stockname. If the input number's stock is empty, the return value will be null. |
GetLiquidClassNames | Use this command to retrieve the liquid class name array and assign a new stock or reagent by using the AddNewStock API command. | No parameter |
Type: System.String[] If the operation succeeds, the return value will be a liquid class name array. |
GetPlateClampStatus | Use this command to get the plate clamp's status. |
isClosed errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean If the operation succeeds, the return value will be the plate clamp that is closed. |
GetPlateFromLoadingStacker | Use this command to retrieve a plate from the loading stacker. |
errorMessage |
Type: Boolean If the operation succeeds, the plate will be taken from the loading stacker. |
GetPlateInfo |
Use this command to get a plate definition information:
Type : System.String |
Type: Microplate If the operation succeeds, the return value will be an information based on a FileName parameter. |
GetPlateLoadingLocation | Use this command to get the plate loading location. StagePort1 (left) or StagePort2 (right). | No parameter |
StagePortLocation The return value is the plate loading location. |
GetPlateUnloadingLocation | Use this command to get the plate unloading location. StagePort1 (left) or StagePort2 (right). | No parameter |
The return value is the plate unloading location. |
GetPressureVacuum | Use this command to retrieve the TEMPEST current pressure and vacuum values. | No parameter |
Type: PressureVacuum If the operation succeeds, the return value will be the pressure and vacuum values. |
GetServiceStatus |
Retrieve the integration service status as follow:
Use GetServiceStatus if you want to start and stop the integration service by your device/application using the StartService or StopService API command. |
Type: System.Int32 The return value is an integer:
GetSoftwareVersion | Use this command to retrieve the TEMPEST software current version. You may want to use the GetSoftwareVersion command for logging purposes. | No parameter |
Type: System.String If the operation succeeds, the return value will be the current version of the installed TEMPEST software. |
GetStackerLoadingLocation | Use this command to retrieve the stacker loading location on StagePort1 or StagePort2. | No parameter |
GetStackerUnloadingLocation | Use this command to retrieve the stacker unloading location on StagePort1 or StagePort2. | No parameter |
The return value is the stacker unloading location. |
GetStagePosition | Use this command to retrieve the current TEMPEST stage position. |
Type: Boolean If the return value is true, the operation has successfully retrieved the stage's position. |
GetStatus |
Retrieve the current dispenser status. The potential returned statuses are as follow:
Important: This API command is fundamental in FORMULATRIX API system. You need to poll the API execution status by using this API command, and make sure the status is not busy before calling another API command. For more information, see Using the API Commands in TEMPEST. |
No parameter |
The return value is the current dispense status. |
GetStatusIgnoringPressureVacuumAlarm | Use this command to get the current status of TEMPEST to ignore the pressure and vacuum alarm when running a dispense. | No parameter |
Type: System.Boolean The return value is the current status of TEMPEST to ignore the pressure vacuum alarm when running a dispense |
GetUserDirectory |
Get the active user directory file path. Use the GetUserDirectory command to get or create all user data files, such as dispense list, protocols, and plate definition files. |
No parameter |
Type : System.String[] If the operation succeeds, the return value will be a string of user directory file path. |
HomeStages | Use this command to return the TEMPEST stages to homing position. You may also want to use the HomeStages command after you received an error via GetStatus API command. | No parameter |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
IsUsePlateStacker | Use this command to check if the TEMPEST uses the plate stackers or not. | No parameter |
Type: System.Boolean If the return value is true, the plate stacker is available or TEMPEST uses the plate stacker. Otherwise, the return value is false. |
LoadDispenseList | Load a dispense list from a file that has been specified by using the fileName parameter. |
Defines the dispense list file path to be loaded for dispense. |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
LoadProtocol |
Load a protocol from a file that has been specified by using the protocolName parameter. You can use the LoadProtocol command before calling the Run API command. |
Type: System.Boolean The return value is true if the operation succeeds. |
LoadSequence |
Load a dispense sequence from a file that has been specified by using the fileName parameter. Use this API command if you prefer to run a dispense sequence file (.seq.txt) rather than a dispense list (.dl.txt) in TEMPEST. |
Defines the sequence file path to be loaded for a dispense. |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
MoveStageToDelidderLocation | Use this command to move the TEMPEST stage to the delidder location. This operation only works for TEMPESTs that have delidder. |
A message will appear if an error occurs. |
Type: System.Boolean If the operation succeeds, the return value is true. |
MoveStageToPlateLoadingLocation | Use this command to move the TEMPEST stage to the plate loading location. | No parameter |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
MoveStageToPlateUnloadingLocation | Use this command to move the TEMPEST stage to the plate unloading location. | No parameter |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
MoveStageToPosition | Use this command to move the TEMPEST stage to a specified position. If you are using this command, the parameter can not be null. |
x y
Type: System.Boolean If the operation succeeds, the return value will be true. |
MoveStageToPosition2 |
Use this command to move the TEMPEST stage to a specified position. Individual parameters can be null. For example, if you want to move the stage along the Z-axis only, you can set the values of x and y to null. |
y z errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean If the operation succeeds, the return value will be true. |
PrimeAllInput | Use this command to prime all available inputs that are available in the TEMPEST dispense head. | No parameter |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
PrimeInput | Use this command to prime a selected input number. This operation requires you have at least one pipette tip input. |
number Represents which input number to be primed. |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
PrimeSelectedInput | Use this command to prime the selected input numbers. This operation requires you have at least one pipette tip input. | numbers Type: System.Int32 Represents an array of selected inputs to be primed. |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
PutPlateIntoUnloadingStacker | Use this command to move a plate to the unloading stacker location. |
errorMessage A message will appear if an error occurs. |
Type: System.Boolean The return value will be true if the operation is successfully performed. |
ReadBarcode | Use this command to read the plate barcode that is currently on the TEMPEST stage. |
errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean The return value will be true if the operation succeeds. |
ReadBarcode | Use this command to read the plate barcode that is currently on the TEMPEST stage. |
errorMessage timeoutMillis Type: |
Type: System.Boolean The return value will be true if the operation succeeds. |
RecoverSelectedStocks | Use this command to recover the reagents of the selected inputs. |
errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean If the operation is successfully performed, the return value will be true. |
Run |
Use this command to execute the current dispense list or sequence. This operation includes the ExecuteSequence command to load the current dispense list or sequence. Running a dispense via API also supports the barcode scanner to execute plates with barcodes. Consider the following cases:
No parameter | Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
RunUsingBarcode | Use this command to execute the plates with barcodes. This operation is similar to Run, but this command uses the barcode reader function. |
listBarcodeConfiguration BarcodeActionEnum
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
RunUsingBarcodeWithStacker | Use this command to execute multiple plates with barcodes. This operation is similar to Run, but this command uses the barcode reader function and plate stacker feature. Before running the dispense, stacker must be installed in TEMPEST. |
listBarcodeConfiguration BarcodeActionEnum
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
SetDelidderPortPosition |
Use this command to set the delidder port position on StagePort1 or StagePort2. This operation only works for TEMPESTs that have delidder. |
delidderPortPosition errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean The return value will be true if the operation succeeds. |
SetDelidderPosition |
Set or adjust the delidder position. Use this command for common cases, such as to re-adjust the delidder position if the delidder failed to pick up the lid. This operation only works for TEMPESTs that have delidder. |
Type: System.Double The setting for de-lidder position on the X-axis y z errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean The return value will be true if the operation succeeds. |
SetDelidderState |
Use this command to set the delidder ON or OFF state. This operation only works for TEMPESTs that have delidder. |
errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean The return value will be true if the operation succeeds. |
SetDelidderWaitTime |
Use this command to set the delay time for a plate when it arrives from the stage to the delidder to ensure that the lid is properly taken off from the plate. This only works for systems that have delidder. |
errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean The return value will be true if the operation succeeds. |
SetIgnoringChipLifetimeExceededWarning | Use this command to make the TEMPEST software ignore the Chip Lifetime Exceeded dialog message after a chip has reached its maximum lifetime cycle during a dispense execution. | status Type: System.Boolean |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
SetIgnoringPressureVacuumAlarm | Use this command to make the TEMPEST software ignore the pressure and vacuum alarm when running the dispense. | status Type: System.Boolean |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
SetInputStock |
Assign a reagent (stock) to an input. Use the SetInputStock command to assign the unassigned reagents to inputs in a dispense list. |
inputStock Defines the reagent to be used with the TEMPEST input. |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
SetPlateClamp | Set the TEMPEST plate clamp’s OPEN/CLOSED state. |
close Defines the plate clamp's state to be set. True closes the plate clamp, and False opens the plate clamp. |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
SetPlateLoadingLocation | Use this command to set the plate loading location to StagePort1 (left) or StagePort2 (right). |
Defines the plate loading location setting whether on StagePort1 or StagePort2. |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
SetPlateOrientation | Use this command to set the plate orientation for dispense. By using this API command, you can rotate the plate 180 degrees without changing the result as designed in the dispense list. |
orientationType errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean The return value is true if the operation was successful. |
SetPlateUnloadingLocation | Use this command to set the plate unloading location to StagePort1 (left) or StagePort2 (right). |
Defines the plate unloading location setting on StagePort1 or StagePort2 |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
SetRecirculateTimeout | Use this command to set the recirculate timeout. If the timeout (ms) is reached, the recirculation process will begin. |
timeInMinutes errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean If the operation succeeds, the return value will be true. |
SetRecirculateTimingBased | Set the time type of the recirculate process. The time type options are Machine Idle Time or Input Idle Time. |
timingType errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean If the operation succeeds, the return value will be true. |
SetRecirculateType |
Use this command to set the recirculate type as follow:
errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean If the operation succeeds, the return value will be true. |
SetRecirculateWhenPlateOnHand | Use this command to set the recirculate settings when a plate is on the TEMPEST stage. |
yesNo errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean If the operation succeeds, the return value will be true. |
SetStackerLoadingLocation | Use this command to set the stacker load position to StagePort1 (left) or StagePort2 (right). |
StagePortLocation Defines the stacker loading location setting either on StagePort1 or StagePort2. |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
SetUseDelidderSetting |
Use this command to activate the delidder feature on TEMPEST. This only works for systems that have delidder. |
useDelidder errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean If the operation succeeds, the return value will be true. |
SetUseRecirculate | Use this command to activate the recirculate feature on TEMPEST. |
useRecirculate errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean If the operation succeeds, the return value will be true. |
StartService |
Start the Integration Service. You can use the StartService command, especially if you want to restart the TEMPEST Integration Service after calling the StopService API command. |
computerName Defines the particular computer's name on the network. |
Type: System.Int32 The return value is an integer. 0: Allow (or the service has already started) 1: Deny 2: Wait for user confirmation. |
Stop | The operation is used to stop the current sequence execution. | No parameter |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
StopService |
This operation is used to stop the integration service. Although this command is rarely used, you may need to call this API if you want to stop the integration service i.e. for restart purpose. |
computerName Defines the particular computer's name on the network. |
Type: System.Int32 The return value is an integer. 0: Allow (or the service has already started) 1: Deny 2: Wait for user confirmation. |
TogglePlateClamp | Use this command to set the plate clamp status. If you set it to true, the plate clamp will be closed. |
isClosed errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean If the operation succeeds, the return value will be true. |
WashAllInput | Wash all available chips that are currently attached to the TEMPEST head. | No parameter |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
WashSelectedInput | Wash a selected input in TEMPEST. |
number Defines the selected chip. |
Type: void If the operation fails, the method will throw an exception. |
WashSelectedInputs | Wash the selected inputs in TEMPEST. |
errorMessage |
Type: System.Boolean If the operation succeeds, the return value will be true. |