You are here: Designing Dispenses : Tutorials : Normalizing Concentration

Normalizing Concentration

TEMPEST can normalize sample concentrations, by calculating and dispensing the necessary diluent volume for each well to ensure that every well has the same concentration. If you have concentration data saved in a .CSV file, such as the output data from CONSTELLATION® Digital PCR System, you can easily upload the .CSV into TEMPEST to create a dispense list. Then you can use TEMPEST to dispense the desired diluent into your experiment plate. Follow the instructions below to normalize your concentration data.




To normalize your concentration data:

  1. Go to the File menu and select Concentration Normalization.

    The Concentration Normalization Option

  2. Click Next to proceed.

    Note: Click Click here to show the Concentration Normalization .CSV sample file to see a .CSV template that you can use for your concentration data. Then, choose an application to open the .CSV file, and click OK. If needed, you can directly modify the values in the .CSV sample file, then save it to a different location with a different name. When done, close the window and click Next to proceed.

    Show the .CSV Sample File

  3. Click the Browse File button next to the Source File box and locate the file you want to import.
  4. In the File Settings option:

  5. In the Target Plate option:

  6. Select the concentration data that you want to import in the data columns list. Then, click Next.

    Note: If the data column contains error(s), you will not be able to select the column. Errors could occur because a column contains negative values, or invalid characters such as letters. If you want to normalize based on the data in this column, you must correct the errors in the .CSV file and upload it again.

  7. Determine the value in the Data Preview:

  8. Click Next to proceed.

  9. Type the Diluent name in the Diluent Name box and click the Load button to load the data into a Dispense List.

    Select the Diluent Name

  10. OPTIONAL: Go to the File menu, and select Concentration Normalization if you are not satisfied with the way your current experiment was imported. The software will remember the choices you have made during the import process and allow you to modify them as necessary. This option is applicable only if you have not restarted the TEMPEST software.

  11. Click the Run Dispense button .


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