You are here: Designing Dispenses : Tutorials : Using Excel to Edit a Dispense Design

Using Excel to Edit a Dispense Design

You can use Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice to view and edit your experiment data if you prefer that method over a visually-oriented designer.


Tip: It's easiest to add all reagents to your reagents list before editing with Excel.




To edit a dispense list with Excel or OpenOffice:

  1. Click the Excel editor button on the Dispense List Designer. A lock button will appear on the dispense list, and Excel or the OpenOffice editor will display the dispense list items and their volumes (refer to the picture below).

Modifying a Dispense Design With Excel

  1. Edit the volumes manually. If you are trying to create a new dispense design based on an existing spreadsheet, you can now copy and paste the dispense volume data from the existing spreadsheet to the TEMPEST-formatted spreadsheet. Your volumes must be in microliters.

    Enter a New Volume

Note: All parameters on each Ingredient tab are configurable except for Total Volume, Max Well Volume, and Min Well Volume. If you attempt to edit a dispense design in Excel, any reagents left with zero volume will be removed from your dispense list when you save your changes and return to the TEMPEST software.

  1. Save the changes in Excel, or click the X in the upper-right corner to exit Excel. If you click the X, you will be asked if you want to save your changes. Click Yes.

  2. Please be patient while TEMPEST reads your changes and renders them in the TEMPEST software. Once the conversion is complete, your dispense list is unlocked and you may interact with your design in the TEMPEST Designer View.


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