The Test Move All Plates feature tests the plate definitions and stacker configuration to ensure smooth plate movements during multiplates dispensing. Additionally, if you are using barcoded plates, this feature is helpful to check that the barcode values are readable by TEMPEST.
Go to the Device menu and select Test Move All Plates.
Test Move All Plates Option under the Device Menu
In the Test Move All Plates window, choose from the following options:
Test Move All Plates Wizard
Click Next.
Click the Start button to start the test. At this stage, TEMPEST transfers all plates in the loading stacker to the unloading stacker accordingly, while scanning the barcodes of each plate. The tested plates will be automatically listed in the table shown in the wizard.
Start the Plate Test
Please wait for TEMPEST to finish the procedures for all plates. Click the Stop button to stop the test.
Note: The tested plate status in the table is either Success or Failed. If the status is Failed, repeat the procedure, or change your plate with the new one. If the problem persists, contact FORMULATRIX support for assistance.
Tested Plate Status
When the test is finished, choose from the following options:
Click Next. At this stage, all plates in the loading stacker will be transferred to the unloading stacker accordingly.
Click the Stop Dispense button in the Device Control Panel to stop the test or wait for TEMPEST to finish the procedures for all plates.
Repeat steps 1-2 to re-test the plates with a new batch, if necessary.
Note: If a motor skips during the plate test, a pop-up dialog appears to inform you that the test is stopped. Click OK to move the TEMPEST stage to the homing position and abort the test. We recommend verifying the plate definition for your plate type and to contact FORMULATRIX support for further assistance with this issue.
Motor Skip Error During Test
The plates are ready to use.