You are here: Using the FLO i8 System : Concepts : Pipetting Parameters

Pipetting Parameters

You can easily modify the pipetting settings through the Pipetting Parameters feature that can be accessed and managed through the Pipetting Profile menu. By default, the FLO i8 provides you with the Factory Profile and Factory SD (Serial Dilution) Profile in the Pipetting Profiles Explorer page, that you can use in your experiment.

Important: Both factory profiles in the Pipetting Profiles Explorer page can be used in the protocols, but cannot be modified, removed, or copied to other users.

Pipetting Profiles Explorer Page

There are 2 pipetting profile categories:

Each tab in the Pipetting Parameters Settings includes predefined Aspirate and Dispense settings, which determine the pipetting settings during both operations. For more information, see Using the Pipetting Parameters.


To access the pipetting parameters:


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