You are here: Maintenance : Starting Up the MANTIS after an Extended Period of Inactivity

Starting Up the MANTIS after an Extended Period of Inactivity

After long periods of inactivity, typically around two weeks or more, the MANTIS may need to be exercised prior to use. This is important to prevent dispense failures that could affect the dispense accuracy. Follow the instructions below to start up the MANTIS after an extended period of inactivity.


Required Supplies




To start up MANTIS after extended periods of inactivity:

  1. Turn the MANTIS ON.

  2. Open the MANTIS software. Please wait for a few minutes while the software automatically checks the MANTIS pneumatic system and instrument movement.

  3. If the software identifies a stuck or failed solenoid, re-run the pneumatic system check 3 times to exercise the internal control solenoids. If the failure persists through multiple pneumatic system checks, please contact

  4. Prime DI water through the MANTIS chip to exercise the pneumatic system:

    1. Ensure that the MANTIS has passed the pneumatic system check listed above.

    2. Prime 1 mL of DI water through the MANTIS chip to exercise the internal silicone diaphragm pumps.

    3. OPTIONAL: Wash the chip using your standard wash protocol if you are concerned about contamination.

  5. Your MANTIS is now ready for normal operation!


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10 DeAngelo Drive

Bedford, MA 01730


