You are here: Maintenance : Sanitizing the Liquid Lines

Sanitizing the Liquid Lines

The NT8’s liquid lines have to be sanitized at least once every 6 months to discourage microbial growth.

Important: Failure to regularly sanitize the NT8 may lead to contamination of experiments as well as accumulation of biological material causing clogs and valve failures, potentially voiding the warranty.


The sanitization process takes approximately 45 minutes from start to finish and consists of the following steps:

  1. Sanitizing the NT8 lines with dilute bleach (takes approximately 30 minutes).

  2. Rinsing the NT8 carboy with tap water and with ultra-pure water, followed by initial rinsing of the NT8 lines (takes approximately 10 minutes).

  3. Final rinsing of the NT8 lines with ultra-pure water (takes approximately 5 minutes).


To sanitize your NT8, you will need the following:

To sanitize the liquid lines:

  1. In the Tools menu, point to Service and select Sanitization Wizard.

  2. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Note: You must complete the entire sanitization procedure before you can use your NT8. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact before commencing. Please wear suitable lab safety gear during the entire process.

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Bedford, MA 01730 USA
