You are here: Viewing and Scoring Images : Tutorials : Working with Images : Disabling Imaging

Disabling Imaging

Occasionally, you might want to disable the imaging of drops or plates that you have previously defined for imaging scheduled, by using the Disable Imaging button in the Images contextual tab set. This button enables you to disable the imaging of specific field, including whole drops, the ROI in selected drops, or even disable the imaging of single or multiple plates in one or more experiments. In this tutorial, you will learn how to disable imaging from ROCK MAKER.

Note: The Disable Imaging button in the Drop(s) tab of the Images contextual tab set has been removed from ROCK MAKER version 3.14 and newer. Its functionality is included in the Disable Imaging Options that appear when you click the Disable Imaging button in the Imaging tab of the Images contextual tab set.




To disable imaging:

  1. Open an experiment in the Explorer.

  2. In the Canvas view, select the drop(s) you want to disable for imaging. To select multiple drops, press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard while selecting the desired drops.

  3. Then, click the Disable Imaging button in the Imaging tab of the Images contextual tab set.

The Disable Imaging Button in the Imaging Tab of the Images Contextual Tab Set

  1. After the Disable Imaging Options window appears, you can select the affected field you wish to disable.



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