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Input Control Panel

The Input Control Panel is found below the Device Control panel. This panel is used for assigning reagents to chips, setting the input type (tube or pipette tip), and running the prime, wash, and recovery commands on the chips.

The image below shows you the Input Control Panel when you first run the TEMPEST software. Prior to assigning reagents to chips you will first want to configure the chips by entering the chip serial numbers as showing in the Configuring the TEMPEST Chip section.

The Input Control Panel When the Chips Have Not Been Configured Yet

The Installed Chips and Assigned Reagents in the Input Control Panel

From the input control panel, you are able to set the reagent input source (a tube or a pipette tip) and run the following commands on the hardware:


Understanding the Input Control Panel

The Input Toolbar provides you with eight dedicated buttons to perform specific TEMPEST operations, which are explained below. You can execute these commands on all chips/inputs at once, or select a subset of chips to run these commands on a limited group of chips.

Input Toolbar


Edit Protocol

TEMPEST enables you to create dispense protocol to help you work faster and more efficient, especially when you repeatedly use the same hardware setup or plate design. Input Control Panel settings provide you with the Edit Protocol button to easily access and edit your current dispense protocol. For more information, see Creating and Using a Protocol.

Edit Protocol Button in the Input Control Panel

Expand Input Control Panel Window

The Expand Input Control Panel Window button enables you to display a wider Input Control Panel. This can be especially helpful when operating the TEMPEST software on a small laptop screen. You can also maximize the window to fill the entire screen or go back to the main window by clicking the Close button.

Edit Control Panel in the Input Control Panel

Chip Lifetime Tracking Indicator

The Chip Lifetime Tracking indicators give you a visual representation of each chip’s lifespan. Hover over the color bar in each input to see the chip lifespan status as a percentage.

The Chip Lifetime Tracking Indicator in the Input Control Panel

Chip Type Indicator

The chip type indicator shows the chip type used in a dispense:

You can see how to set the chip types in Configuring the TEMPEST Chip.


What are the Yellow Lines?

You will see either yellow lines, a yellow block, or a combination of both on the chip images in the input control panel. A yellow block indicates a commonly-controlled chip — three yellow lines indicates an independently-controlled chip.


Removing Reagents from the Input Control Panel

To remove reagents from the input control panel, right-click on the reagent. You will be presented with two options:

Important: Recover and wash chips before removing reagents.


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