Creating Puck and Dewar Definitions

You can easily define your pucks and dewars in ROCK MAKER to keep track of your crystals’ location. In this section, you will learn how to how to perform the following actions:

  1. Creating a Puck Definition

  2. Creating a Dewar Definition




Creating a Puck Definition

Before you harvest crystals in ROCK MAKER, you should define the puck that your crystals will be stored in. Each puck defined must be manually assigned a unique name and a unique barcode.

Important: Only a ROCK MAKER Administrator and an authorized user can create, edit, or delete a puck definition.


To create a Puck Definition:

  1. On the Explorer, expand the Setup node and double-click Crystal Container.

  2. After the Crystal Container tab appears, right-click anywhere on the Pucks Definition panel, and select Add.

  3. Then, define the following information:

The Unassign Puck Message

  1. Save your puck by clicking the Save button or by pressing Ctrl+S on your keyboard.

Note: To delete a puck definition, right-click on it and click Delete. Then, save your changes. Ensure that any puck you delete is not currently in use to prevent the loss of important data.


Creating a Dewar Definition

Before you harvest crystals in ROCK MAKER, you should define the dewar that your pucks will be stored in. Each dewar defined must be manually assigned a unique name.

Important: Only a ROCK MAKER Administrator or an authorized user can create, edit, or delete a dewar definition.


To create a Dewar Definition:

  1. On the Explorer, expand the Setup node and then double-click Crystal Container.

  2. After the Crystal Container tab appears, right-click anywhere on the Dewar Definition panel, and select Add.

  3. Then, you can define the following information:

  1. Save your dewar by clicking the Save button or by pressing Ctrl+S on your keyboard.

Note: To delete a dewar definition, right-click on it and click Delete. Then, save your changes. Ensure that any dewar you delete is not currently in use to prevent the loss of important data.


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