You are here: Using the FLO i8 System : Concepts : Pauses in a Protocol

Pauses in a Protocol

In FLO i8, you can add pauses in a protocol as a protocol step. The two types of planned pauses are Delay and User Confirmation. You can insert either one or both pauses between your pipetting steps.



When the protocol reaches a Delay step, the system will pause for a specified amount of time before automatically continuing. The Delay dialog will show the remaining delay time and message that you’ve set (if any). This can be helpful, for example, when allowing a chemical reaction to occur between the stocks before continuing the protocol execution. See Adding a Delay for more information.

An Example of a Protocol Delay


User Confirmation

When the protocol reaches a User Confirmation step, the system will pause until the user gives confirmation to continue. This will allow you to perform another task with the stock or labware during a protocol execution. For example, if you want to take out a plate from the FLO i8 deck and image it before further pipetting operations. The User Confirmation dialog contains the predefined message you’ve set and the CONFIRM button, which you can click to continue the protocol execution. For more information, see Adding a User Confirmation.

An Example of a User Confirmation


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