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API Integration V1.1

The Application Programming Interface (API) in FLO i8 is a set of protocols and functions that enables your FLO i8 instrument to integrate with other systems or devices, allowing you to create more advanced laboratory automation right at your site.

Important: The FLO i8 API is restricted to your laboratory's automation engineer or authorized IT personnel. Any inaccurate settings may cause instrument errors or damage. Contact for more information and assistance.

The API is accessible using any programming language that supports REST API and JSON format. To explore FLO i8 API Integration details and try the API, you can go to the hostname of your FLO i8 instrument extended with :5005/restapi on your internet browser.

FLO i8 REST API Page Overview


API Integration Flowchart

The flowchart below illustrates the process of integrating the FLO i8 APIs.

The API Integration V1.1 Flowchart


FLO i8 API Commands and Models

The FLO i8 API page consists of five tabs: Device, Labware, Pipetting Profile, Protocol, and Models, with each tab offering specific commands and functions for the integration process. An overview of the FLO i8 API page is displayed in the following picture, with each tab containing detailed information about its respective commands. To experiment with the API commands, you can use the Try it out button provided in each command tab. This button, along with others like Execute, Clear, and Cancel, allows you to explore the API integration procedures.

The Try It Out Button

The Cancel, Execute, and Clear Buttons



Running Protocol Using API Commands

You can run a protocol via API in 2 ways: using an existing protocol in the Protocol Explorer or a CSV file.



This section provides error codes and description for troubleshooting during API integration.

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