You are here: Maintenance > Sterilizing the Liquid Lines

Sterilizing the Liquid Lines

Sterilizing the plumbing of the FORMULATOR is recommended to prevent microbial growth. You should run the sterilization process every two weeks if the FORMULATOR is idle for long periods. If you use the FORMULATOR daily, run the sterilization process once per month.



To sterilize the FORMULATOR's liquid lines:

  1. Prepare a 5-10% bleach solution and attach it to the secondary wash input. If you do not have secondary wash input, remove the water carboy attached to your wash line input. Empty the carboy, and fill it with 5-10% bleach solution.

  2. Fill the FORMULATOR's plumbing with the bleach solution:
  3. Let the FORMULATOR sit for 5-10 minutes to allow the bleach to sterilize the plumbing.

  4. Repeat each of the bleach wash cycles 2-3 times.

  5. Follow one of the procedures:

  6. Run 2-3 water rinse cycles through each wash system (internal, external, input) to remove any traces of bleach from the FORMULATOR.

Your FORMULATOR is now ready for dispensing.

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10 DeAngelo Drive

Bedford, MA 01730


