You are here: Maintenance : Lubricating the O-rings

Lubricating the O-rings

For NT8 V3 hardware only. The NT8 O-ring is a small red or black rubber circle (colors may vary depending on your NT8 series) on the NT8’s plate copy head that create air-tight seals around each of the eight nozzles.

Note: O-rings are only found on the plate copy head; if you did not purchase the Plate Copy option, you do not need to follow these instructions.

Note: If you are using NT8 V4 hardware, you no longer need to perform Plate Copy O-rings lubrication because the O-rings are now found in the HV tips themselves.

If you are noticing an aspirate or dispense volume problem when attempting to copy a plate, you should lubricate the O-rings as part of a troubleshooting effort. Otherwise, the O-rings should be lubricated every six months.

The estimated time required to grease the NT8 O-ring is 3 minutes.

Before you begin, please make sure that there are no High Volume tips attached to the NT8’s plate copy head.




What You Will Need:


Lubricating the O-rings

  1. Open the hood to expose the NT8’s head and deck.

  2. Using the paintbrush, lightly but evenly apply grease to the front and back of each of the eight O-rings on the NT8’s plate copy head.

Apply Grease to the O-Rings

Apply Grease to the O-Rings

  1. When you are finished, power-on the NT8 and continue with Running a Plate Copy Test.

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