Designing a Dispense

Once you have set up the hardware, you will use the TEMPEST control software to either open a dispense list or design a dispense.




To design a dispense:

  1. Choose from the following options:

  1. Add a reagent to the dispense list. Define the Reagent Name and Volume per well and click OK.

  2. Begin designing your plate dispense with the plate designer:

  3. To add additional reagents to the dispense list, click the Add Dispense List Item button and repeat steps 2 and 3.

  4. Drag each reagent from the Dispense List to the appropriate location on the Device Control panel.

Reagents on the Dispense List Designer

  1. Set the input type for each chip by clicking the button at the top of each chip (refer to image below). This button is a toggle; to change it to from pipette tip to tube input or vice versa, click the button.

Input Buttons

  1. Once you have added all reagents to the dispense list and assigned them to their positions, proceed to the next step, priming the chips.


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Bedford, MA 01730


