Modify the dispense values and chip configurations by accessing the Options window under the Tools menu.
The available settings are under the following tabs:
Important: Advanced settings should be used by support technicians only. Please do not alter the options under the Advanced tab unless you are under guidance of a FORMULATRIX support person.
To ensure that you modify the correct settings, verify the User Data Location and Protocol name fields.
You can change the root path location of your preferred User Data from the User Data Location box. To do so, click the browse button , and select the folder you desire, or click the Make New Folder button to create new storage. The current protocol name will then be displayed in the Protocol name.
User Data Location and Protocol Name
The Dispense Options tab includes seven groups of settings which contain various options:
Prime and Dispense Settings
Note: The Prime and Dispense settings will only display the prime volume options based on the input selection (tube or pipette) in the Input Control Panel.
*This option is available only when a Low Volume chip is assigned to the input source.
**This option is available only when a High Volume chip is assigned to the input source.
Recovery and Wash Settings
*Select 3-Step Wash (Water-Wash Solution-Water) option to enable the feature.
Recirculate Settings
Stacker Settings
* Available only for TEMPEST with plate stackers.
* Hidden unless Use Plate Stacker is set to Yes.
Scan Barcode and Dispense Settings
*Hidden unless Use Barcode is set to Yes.
Multi Dispense Run Settings
Option | Default Setting | Description |
Run Multi Dispense List | No | Determines whether or not TEMPEST runs multi dispense lists. When enabled, TEMPEST will run multiple dispense lists for pre-defined batches of plates. For more information, see Executing Multi-Plate, Multi Dispense List.
Note: This option is hidden when the Use Plate Stacker option is set to No. |
Continuous Flow Setting
Option | Default Setting | Description |
Pre-Dispense Volume (µL) | 50 | Sets the reagent volume to dispense to the waste station immediately before dispensing to the plate. |
Prime Volume (µL) | 2500 | The reagent volume used to fill the input tubing and chip fluid channels prior to a dispense. Purges air from the fluid path. |
Reagent Recovery Volume (µL) | 4500 | The reagent volume pumped backwards through the chip and into the source reservoir after a dispense. |
Wash Volume (µL) | 2000 | Defines the wash solution volume used to wash the CF chip after dispense. |
Release Pressure After All Dispense (µL) | ☑ | Determines whether the CF bottle pressure will be maintained or released after the dispense execution. Maintaining pressure allows multiple dispenses without re-priming the chip. |
*This option is available if the Continuous Flow license is activated.
There are two sections in the Chip Configuration tab:
Current Chips
Before designing a dispense, you will need to configure the chip information you want to use, such as chip type, and chip’s serial number. Then, the chip’s installation date and lifetime cycle status are automatically tracked and listed in the table.
Current Chips Section under the Chip Configuration Tab
The assigned chip status in the Input Control Panel are as follow:
The Error icon means that you haven’t assigned any chip in the Input Control Panel.
The Warning icon indicates that your assigned chip has incorrect serial number format.
The Assigned Chip Indicator
Click the Show Detailed Information option under the chip information table to show detailed values for Purge Cycles, Fill Cycles, Small Diaphragm Cycles, Large Diaphragm, and Output Cycles.
Show Detailed Information
To automatically move the dispense head to the install position, click the Move to Install Chip Position option. This allows easy access for users to install, remove, or adjust seating up TEMPEST chips.
Important: Make sure to always click Save to save any changes before closing the Options window.
Chip Dispense History
The Chip Dispense History section displays the chip dispense cycle count information. From this section, you can download the chip dispense history file in .PDF format. This export can encompass the entire chip history or chip usage over a particular period of time. For more information, read Exporting the Chip Dispense History.
Chip Dispense History Section under the Chip Configuration Tab
Important: Advanced options should be used by support engineers and advanced users only. Please do not alter the options under the Advanced tab unless you are operating under the guidance of a FORMULATRIX support person.
To access advanced settings, go to the Tools menu, select Options and click on the Advanced tab.
Advanced Tab
Click the topics below to see more detailed explanations.
Option | Description |
Well Number Increments By | Determines the well numbering convention by selecting either Row or Column. |
Option | Description |
Pressure Alarm | Determines the pressure limit value. If the current pressure value is less than the default limit value, the TEMPEST will sound an alarm and abort the dispensing process. |
Vacuum Alarm | Determines the vacuum limit value. If the current vacuum value is less than the default limit value, the TEMPEST will sound an alarm and abort the dispensing process. |
Is Pressure Vacuum Alarm Enable | Determines whether the pressure and vacuum alarms are enabled or disabled. Set into True to enable the alarms. |
Min Travel in X Axis | Determines the minimum travel value of the X axis. |
Max Travel in X Axis | Determines the maximum travel value of the X axis. |
Min Travel in Y Axis | Determines the minimum travel value of the Y axis. |
Max Travel in Y Axis | Determines the maximum travel value of the Y axis. |
Min Travel in Z Axis | Determines the minimum travel value of the Z axis. |
Max Travel in Z Axis | Determines the maximum travel value along the Z axis. |
Wash Station Position | Determines the wash station position in the first column. This position is configurable depending on the wash station type (single or double column) and can be set by entering necessary numbers into each axis field. The list provides Get the current position and Move to position options. |
Waste Station Position | Determines the waste position in the first input column. The waste station is used to hold the pre-dispense, nozzle prime, and prime to nozzle (if a pipette tip is used) waste volume. |
Wash Station Z Drop | Determines the height clearance necessary for the wash inputs to safely move to the next input column. This will ensure that the TEMPEST will properly wash the chips. |
Left Port Position | Determines the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the plate holder position when it is at the left port. |
Right Port Position | Determines the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the plate holder position when it is at the right port. |
Plate Stacker Left Position* | Determines the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the plate stacker position on the left. Note: Available only for TEMPEST with plate stackers. |
Plate Stacker Left Position* | Determines the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the plate stacker position on the right. Note: Available only for TEMPEST with plate stackers. |
Pneumatic System on Startup | Determines the automated regulators and solenoids check at the software start-up. |
Option | Description |
Update Sequence Editor During Dispense | Controls the software user interface when running sequences. Select “True” if you want to view each sequence process. Select “False” if you want to hide the process. |
Option | Default Setting | Description |
Dispense List Auto Load | False | Set this option to True to automatically load a dispense list of your choice every time you launch the TEMPEST software. |
Dispense List File Name | Empty | Select a dispense list to be automatically loaded every time you launch the TEMPEST software. This option is only available when the Auto Load Dispense List option is set to True. |
To enable dispense summary:
Go to the Tools menu, click Options.
Choose Advanced.
On the Dispense Summary option, select True to enable the feature.
Click Save.
To open the dispense summary folder:
Go to the Tools menu.
Click to open the Dispense Summaries Folder.
Open Dispense Summary Folder
Option | Default Setting | Description |
Barcode Reader Velocity in X Axis | 300 | Determines the velocity value of stage movement along the X axis when reading the plate barcode. |
Barcode Reader Velocity in Z Axis | 50 | Determines the velocity value of stage movement along the Z axis when reading the plate barcode. |
Barcode Start Position* | X 0 Y 0 Z 0 | Determines the X, Y, and Z position where the barcode laser starts reading a plate barcode. |
Barcode Stop Position* | X 0 Y 0 Z 0 | Determines the X, Y, and Z position where the barcode laser stops reading a plate barcode. |
*You can tune the barcode laser’s start and stop positions from the Barcode Position Editor in the Tools menu.
Option | Description |
Password protected settings | Determines whether the security mode will be activated. |
Password | Determines the security password used. |
Backup Email Address | Determines the email address for the security backup. |
Option | Default Setting | Description |
Support Smart Pump Box | False | Select this option to True to automatically turn off the pump box controller when the TEMPEST instrument is in idle mode and turn it back on when the TEMPEST instrument is active. This feature is only available with the new Smart Pump Box device (V3). |
Option | Description |
MailTo | Determines the email address to which error notifications will be sent. |
IsNotifyImmediately | Determines whether the system will automatically send an email notification to FORMULATRIX team support, in the event of an error. |
SMTPServer | Determines the SMTP server associated with your email address. |
SMTPPort | Determines the SMTP port number associated with your email address. |
SMTPUserName | Determines the SMTP user name associated with your email address. |
SMTPPassword | Determines the SMTP password used. |
SMTPEnableSSL | Enables you to choose if your SMTP server supports SSL. |
AttachLogFile | Enables the system to send zipped log files via email. |
ShowSMTPWarning | Shows the SMTP warning in the event of an error. |
Note: Click Save when you are finished managing your data configuration setting on the Options menu.
Important: To restore the default settings value as needed, click the Restore Default Values button, and then click Yes to continue. Always check and save the protocol with a different name to ensure any previously modified settings are saved, especially if the protocol may be used for future experiments.