You are here: Designing Dispenses : Tutorials : Running Experiments with the API

Running Experiments with the API

Note: The Application Programming Interface (API) doesn't support protocol dispenses.

  1. Go to the Tools menu and select Start Integration Service. The Integration Service Monitor dialog box appears and displays the TEMPEST connection status.

    Integration Service Monitor

    To modify the Integration Service (IS) options, go to the Tools menu, select the Options, and then click the Advanced Tab. From there you can set the IS base address and choose whether or not the IS can be started remotely. For more information, see Using the Options Menu.

  2. At this point, you can start a dispense with your software using TEMPEST API. Below is the example of the API client application for the TEMPEST API to run the dispense.

TEMPEST Application Programming Interface (API) Client

Note: To stop the API service, click the Stop Service button in your TEMPEST software, or set the API program to: int StopService (ComputerName).

The TEMPEST Behaviors

The table below provides information about various TEMPEST behaviors when using the TEMPEST API.

Using Barcode Scanner? Using Plate Stackers? Using a Dispense List?

Using De-lidder?






  The TEMPEST will do the following:
  1. Read the loaded dispense list,
  2. fetch the plate from the specified stacker,
  3. dispense your reagents, and
  4. store the plate to the specified stacker when the dispense completes.
    The TEMPEST will do the following:
  1. Fetch the plate from specified stacker,
  2. scan the barcodes,
  3. load the dispense list,
  4. dispense your reagents,
  5. store the plate to the specified stacker when the dispense completes, and
  6. close the Scan And Dispense dialog.


  The TEMPEST will do the following:
  1. Use the loaded dispense list,
  2. dispense your reagents, and
  3. move the stage to the unload position when the dispense completes.
      The TEMPEST will do the following:
  1. Scan the plate's barcode,
  2. load the dispense list,
  3. dispense your reagents,
  4. move the stage to the unload position when the dispense completes, and
  5. close the Scan And Dispense dialog.
    The TEMPEST will do the following:
  1. Use the loaded dispense list,
  2. fetch a plate from the specified stacker,
  3. dispense your reagents, and
  4. store the plate to the specified stacker when the dispense completes.
      The TEMPEST will do the following:
  1. Load the default dispense list (if a dispense list has not been set, the TEMPEST will display a warning message),
  2. fetch the plate from the specified stacker,
  3. dispense your reagents, and
  4. store the plate to the specified stacker when the dispense completes.
      The TEMPEST will do the following:
  1. Read the loaded dispense list,
  2. dispense your reagents, and
  3. move the stage to the unload position when the dispense completes.
        The TEMPEST will do the following:
  1. Load the default dispense list (if a dispense list has not been set, the TEMPEST will display a warning message),
  2. dispense your reagents, and
  3. move the stage to the unload position when the dispense completes.

The TEMPEST will do the following:

  1. Read the loaded dispense list,
  2. move the stage to the De-lidder position and pick up the plate lid,
  3. dispense your reagents,
  4. move to the De-lidder position and drop the lid back on to the plate,
  5. move the stage to the unload position.

The TEMPEST will do the following:

  1. Scan the plate's barcode,
  2. load the dispense list,
  3. move the stage to the De-lidder position and pick up the plate lid,
  4. dispense your reagents,
  5. move to the De-lidder position and drop the lid back on to the plate,
  6. move the stage to the unload position when the dispense completes,
  7. and close the Scan And Dispense dialog.

The TEMPEST will do the following:

  1. Enable/disable recirculate,
  2. set recirculate timeout,
  3. set the recirculate timing based,
  4. set the recirculate type,
  5. and set the option to execute the recirculate when the plate is on the stage.


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