You are here: Using the FLO i8 System : Tutorials : Setting Up a Stock Definition : Adjusting Group of Stocks at Runtime

Adjusting Group of Stocks at Runtime

If you select the Remind me to adjust group at runtime option when creating a group of stocks, FLO i8 will prompt you to adjust the stocks before executing the protocol. A Reminder Adjust Group dialog box will automatically appear after you click the RUN button in the Protocol Editor page, from which you can adjust the stock. This option is useful in workflows where the number of samples varies day to day.

Follow the steps below to adjust the group of stocks.

Reminder Adjust Group Dialog Box

  1. To view the list of stocks, click the Expand button of the group of stocks in the selected labware.

    View the Stock List

  2. To edit the number of a group of stocks, click the EDIT button of the selected group in the labware and modify the stocks:
    1. To edit the stock locations, move the well position to the empty location by specifying the starting well from the Starting Well panel.
    2. Choose the following options to add the number of stocks:
      • Click empty wells in the labware preview.

      • If you select the Auto Layout option, you can type the number you wish to use along the columns or rows in the provided field. Click APPLY when you’re done.

        Edit the Group of Stocks Member

        Note: You can only add more stocks if there are empty wells in the current labware.

    3. To remove a stock, ouble click on the stock in the labware preview, and then click YES to confirm.

  1. Click DONE to save the changes and continue to the Preparing Required Labware page.







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