You are here: The ROCK MAKER Software (Overview) : The Ribbon : Images Contextual Tab

Images Contextual Tab

You can manage and organize your images in ROCK MAKER using the Images contextual tab set. The Images contextual tab set is displayed once you open an experiment that has images, and it includes five tabs: the Imaging, Drop(s), Scores, Import/Export, and Tools tabs.

Images Contextual Tab

Imaging Tab

The Imaging tab includes three button groups: Tasks, Image Settings, and Show. Each group contains different tools that you can use to work with your images.

The Image Now Options Window

  • The Level panel is where you can select if you want to image the drops or plates.
  • The Sub Level panel includes options to image drops that have been marked as Interesting, or the ones that have at least one Region of Interest.
  • The Imaging Settings panel shows you the available imaging settings for the selected experiment and can be used to select multiple imaging settings.

The Disable Imaging button enables you to disable imaging for drops or plates. You can use the Refresh Canvas button to refresh the canvas during imaging, so that you can view the new images as they’re added to ROCK MAKER.
Clicking the Manage Images button enables you to display the Edit Grid Layer panel to edit the ingredients used in your experiment (see Grid Layer), and the Image Management panel where you can delete focus level images from clear drops and the images from the expired plates. Use the Select All button to select all wells at once, and use the Select Wells by Name button if you want to select specific wells. The selected well will be automatically highlighted in orange.


Drop(s) Tab

The Drop(s) tab contains several tools to work with individual drops in your experiment, and view focus level images.

Drop(s) Tab


Scores Tab

The Scores tab is where you can manually assign scores to your images. See Scoring Overview for more information.

Scores Tab

Filter the Images Using the Highlight Button

Note: Enabling the Highlight button will highlight the images for all view modes, including Canvas, Well, Drop, and Compare views.

Images Filtered by Hit

The Score Group Threshold button allows you to adjust the thresholds of a positive hit for each image. You can make the hit range smaller or larger, allowing more or fewer drops to be classified as hits. You can also select the Save value for next inspection checkbox if you want to save the adjusted threshold for use with future inspections.

Score Group Threshold Window


Import/Export Tab

The Import/Export tab contains tools that enable you to import, export, or delete image inspections.

Import/Export Tab


Tools Tab

The Tools tab provides several tools you can use to manipulate your images, such as a ruler to measure crystals and the ROI tool to select regions of interest that can be focused on in future imaging sessions. The Tools tab also includes options related to image tuning, to help you get the clearest possible view of your images. See Image Tools and Image Tuning for more information.

Tools Tab


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