After creating a protocol that consists of pipetting steps, follow the directions below in order to execute the protocol in FLO i8.
Locate the protocol you want to execute in the Protocol Explorer page, and open the selected protocol.
Open the Selected Protocol in the Protocol Explorer Page
OPTIONAL: Before proceeding to the next step, you can perform either of the following tasks in the Protocol Editor page.
Modify the pipetting steps in your selected protocol before executing it. To edit the protocol, use the Edit Step buttonand modify the step settings according to your preference. To remove a step, use the Delete Step button
of the selected step.
Edit Step and Remove Step Buttons of the Selected Step
By default, the FLO i8 software selects all steps in the current protocol, indicated by the green check box icon. If you wish to run only several of the pipetting steps in the protocol, uncheck the pipetting step(s) that you want to exclude from the pipetting steps list. The FLO i8 will only execute the pipetting steps with a green check in the checkbox.
Selecting the Pipetting Steps to be Executed
The FLO i8 software executes the pipetting steps from the earliest to the latest made step. But, you can change the order of the pipetting steps before hitting the RUN button. This way, you can set the steps priority based on your preference. To do so, click and drag the grid button of a selected step that you wish to re-order to the desired position. In the Order Editor panel, you can revert, undo, or redo the modified order. When you are satisfied with the order, click Apply to confirm the changes.
Changing the Step Order
Click the RUN button in the upper-right corner.
Put the labware that you have prepared on the actual deck by referring to the labware position in the Preparing Required Labware page.
Preparing the Required Labware Page
Important: The actual labware position in the FLO i8 deck must match with the required position as recommended by the FLO i8 system in the virtual deck. The FLO i8 software will automatically detect any invalid labware or position during the execution by highlighting the labware in the Preparing Required Labware page. To continue, make sure you use the correct labware and put them in the position in the FLO i8 deck as recommended by the FLO i8 software. If the problem persists, contact FORMULATRIX support.
Cannot Execute the Protocol Because of the Invalid Labware
Tip: Click the Zoom In button at the top side of the plate preview for a bigger labware display. Use the Up
, Down
, Right
, or Left arrow button
to shift the plate display to the right, left, top, or bottom side. Click the Zoom Out button
to zoom out or Fit to deck button
to reset the labware display.
OPTIONAL: You can view the required labware information and mapping, add or remove tip box, and/or view the initial stocks before executing the protocol. For more information, see Virtual Deck Layout Overview.
Click GO to execute the protocol. The running protocol status will be displayed on the Executing page. At this stage, you can pause the protocol execution by clicking the PAUSE button at the top right side of the page and click RESUME to continue. Click ABORT to forcefully stop the running protocol.
A Running Protocol on the FLO i8 Executing Page
Important: Do not open the FLO i8 door during the protocol execution in order to prevent the instrument from damage or other issues.
Congratulations! Your protocol has been successfully executed.
Click REPORT to check and/or download the dispense report, or click CLOSE to go back to the Protocol Editor page.
The Protocol is Successfully Executed
See the virtual deck layout overview of the Preparing Required Labware page, to perform the following tasks:
View the required labware information in the labware list at the left side of the page. The information includes:
The required tip types and numbers of the tips
Note: You can add more tip boxes in the list by clicking the Add Tip Caddy button. To remove the additional tip box, select the desired labware, and then click Remove Tip Caddy.
The labware name and volume capacity
The assigned pipetting step(s) (click the Expand buttonof the selected labware to display the information)
The required stocks information (click the Stock Definition buttonof the labware to access the stock information). For more information, see how to check the stock information.
Labware Information of the Selected Labware
The required labware preview is also displayed in the virtual deck on the right side of the page, indicated by different colors. For easier identification, click on a selected labware in the labware list to highlight the labware.
Virtual Deck Preview
Click the SOURCE INFO button to view the stock information from the Initial Stock window. In this window, you can see the labware list on the left side of the screen, as well as the labware preview on the right side. To check the required stocks and volume capacity in each labware, click on the Expand buttonof the selected labware or select from the labware preview.
Initial Stock Window
You can also click the highlighted well or click the Expand button of the selected stock to display the assigned step and dispensed volume. Click the CLOSE button to go back to the Preparing Required Labware page.
Display the Stock Information