You are here: Designing Protocols : Tutorials : Running a Protocol

Running a Protocol



To run a protocol:

  1. Locate the protocol you want to execute in the Explorer page and open the protocol.

  2. Click the START button on the upper-right corner of the screen.

  3. Then, put the required labware on the tray and prepare enough tips in the caddy.

    Warning Message Before the Protocol Execution


  4. Click GO to execute the protocol.

    Important: If the labware position cause a problem or result in a collision, the software will suggest a possible labware position. Please put the labware(s) to the suggested position.

    Protocol Execution in Progress


  5. At this stage, the Run Time Status page displays the protocol execution progress. Pause, resume, and abort the protocol execution by clicking the corresponding button.

  6. When the protocol has been successfully executed, the dispense report in .CSV format is automatically generated and saved to the Downloads folder of your browser.


    Finished Protocol Execution

    Dispense Report


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