Creating Work Orders

Create a WO whenever you need to use currently available parts, add or restock inventory needed for building a product (either finished goods or subassemblies), or when you want to provide tools or equipment to departments other than the production team.

To create a work order:

  1. Open the Work Orders table.

  2. Click the Plus button at the top-left of the screen to create a new WO.

  3. In the Create New Work Orders window, type or select the appropriate information for the following fields:

    • Work Order ID — Ignore this field. The WO ID information will be automatically filled in by the system.

    • Job IDRequired field. Type the job id information associated with the product.

    • StatusRequired field. Select Draft from the Status list.

    • Revision — Ignore this field. The WO revision information is automatically filled in by the system.

    • Order Date — Select the date when you will place the order.

    • Required Date — Select the deadline by which you will need all of the items requested in the WO. This field will be automatically updated when the WO is set to Open to Buy.

    • Scheduled Date — Select the date when you will receive all of the items requested in the WO.

    • Closed Date — Ignore this field.

    • Received Date — Select the date when all of the items requested in the WO arrived in the Forindo warehouse.

    • Received Date FUSA — Select the date when all of the items requested in the WO arrived in the FUSA warehouse.

    • DivisionRequired field. Select your division.

    • Product FamilyRequired field. Select the related product family for the WO.

    • Assignee — Your user name. TIGA selects the logged-in user by default.

    • RequesterRequired field. Select the person who requested the WO.

    • ApproverRequired field. Select the person who will approve the WO. This field applies to all WOs which are valued under 500 USD. The approver can be any related division manager in Forindo.

    • Approver 2Optional. Select the second person who will approve the WO. A second approver is required if the WO’s value is between 500 USD and 2000 USD. A related product manager can act as the second approver.

    • Approver 3Optional. Select the third person who will approve the WO. A third approver is required if the WO exceeds 2000 USD. The FORMULATRIX CEO must be included as the third approver.

      Important: If the WO consists of multiple categories (even it is not more than 500 USD) — for example it is used for production, electronic, and mechanical assembly — one approver is required from each related division. The approvers can be all related division managers from FORMULATRIX Indonesia.

      The WO value limit has already been set by the Purchasing team. If the WO requester can calculate the exact value, the requester can directly set the approval to the corresponding approver(s). The Purchasing team has the privilege to add more approver(s) if it is known that the WO value exceeds the given limit.

    • Description — Type a brief explanation of the purpose of the WO.

    • NotesOptional. You may want to type some additional notes about the WO.

  4. Specify the Made-To-Specification (MTS)/Finished Good information, through which you will decide how all final products of the corresponding WO should be handled.

    • For Production — Select this check box if the WO is used for production. If selected, FIFO track will also use this information to valuate the finished good’s cost.

    • Target Warehouse — Type the name of the warehouse where you want to store the final products. The target warehouse should correspond to the Company information, as specified in step 5.

    • Item ID — Click the blue ellipsis button, and then select the correct item ID for the final products.

    • UoM — Click the blue ellipsis button, and then select appropriate the unit of measurement for the item.

    • Quantity — Type the quantity of the items into the Quantity box.

  5. Specify the Company where the WO will be handled by clicking the blue ellipsis button, and then selecting the correct company ID. The company ID should match the target warehouse, as listed in step 4.

  6. When you’re done, click Create in the lower-right corner of the Create New Work Orders window.

When you’re done creating a WO, you need to create one or more Work Order Line Items.

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