Ready to Manufacture (RTM)

Launching a product to the market requires thorough preparation, and the Ready to Manufacture (RTM) phase is an essential part of this process. RTM ensures the proper transfer of product knowledge from the engineers to the production division. TIGA employs the RTM Approval table to document all RTM processes and enable progress monitoring by other users.

RTM Process

RTM Process

The RTM goal is for the production division to create a new product or product version. The actual process mainly involves the production division and process engineers (PE), but the “NPI” (New Product Introduction) group is responsible for documenting the processes in TIGA. The group will create the record in the RTM Approval table and maintain the RTM process by editing the Status and inputting its Actual Date. After all four approvers approve the Pass Pilot Run record, TIGA will automatically update the status to Pass RTM and fill in the Pass RTM Actual Date field.

Create New RTM Approval Window

Create New RTM Approval Window


You can’t skip a status. Adjust the status sequentially and input its actual date before updating the record.

Read the description of each status below.

Status Name



It is the status of a newly created record.


  • Leave the Actual Date fields empty when creating the record for the first time.

  • The suggested approver arrangement is QA manager (Approver 1), PM in Indonesia (Approver 2), PM in FUSA (Approver 3), and PMD (Approver 4).

Start RTM

This status marks the start of the RTM process.

Pass Production Trial

The process engineers (PE) iterate production trials to create the product and transfer the knowledge to the production division.

Pass Pilot Run

The production division successfully creates the product and meets the targeted production without PE’s assistance.

Pass RTM

All approvers approve the Pass Pilot Run record.

Approving a Pass Pilot Run Record:

  1. Do one of the following.

    • Open the (Product Version) New Hardware Version Awaiting Approval email from TIGA. Then, open the link.

      Approval Request Email

      Approval Request Email


    • Click on a record from the RTM Approval table in the Production application.

  2. On the Actions menu, select Quick Approval.

Post Condition:

Once all approvers approve the Pass Pilot Run record, TIGA will update the status to Pass RTM and fill in the Actual Pass RTM date column based on the last approval date.

Pass RTM Status

Pass RTM Status

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