Adding an Attachment

Most tables in TIGA allow you to attach files through the Attachment table on the Related Tables.

To add an attachment via drag & drop:

  1. Open the Attachment table in the Related Tables section.

  2. Go to your local drive and select the files you want to attach.


    You can attach multiple files, but the maximum size is 20 MB.

  3. Drag and drop them to the Drop file to attach to the record box.

    Adding Attachments

    Adding Attachments

Post Condition:

The uploaded attachments are accessible from the Attachment table in the Related Tables.

Uploaded Attachments

Uploaded Attachments

You can add some details by clicking the Edit button.

Manually Adding Attachments

You can manually add attachments as well:

  1. Create a new attachment record.

  2. Click on Choose File, and browse and select the file to upload (you can only upload one at a time).

  3. The file name will automatically take the name of the file.

  4. Enter a subject and notes to help you with that file in the future if necessary.

  5. Click Save.


You can also create an empty attachment and only fill in the subject and notes to help you keep notes about the record.