Installation Guide

To install ROCK MAKER version 4:

  1. Download the ROCK MAKER version 4 installer here.

  2. Open the installer.

  3. In the setup wizard, click Next.

    Next Button

    Next Button

  4. Select Install Rock Maker for the first time and click Next.

    Selecting Install Rock Maker for the first time

    Selecting Install Rock Maker for the first time

  5. Click the I accept the terms in the License Agreement checkbox. Then, click Next.

    Accepting the Terms in License Agreement

    Accepting the Terms in License Agreement

  6. In the Application Settings wizard, go to the Windows Credentials of this PC section and enter your PC’s password in the Password field.


    The following fields are automatically generated.

    • HTTP Port: 5000.

    • HTTPS Port: 5001.

    • User Name: Your PC’s login account (editable).

    • Domain: Your PC name (editable).

    Application Settings Wizard

    Application Settings Wizard

    If everything is set, click Next.

  7. The default destination folder is displayed in the Destination Folder wizard. To edit the destination folder, click Change. Then, click Next.

    Destination Folder Wizard

    Destination Folder Wizard

  8. While the installation is in progress, the following dialog boxes might appear.

    • User Account Control: select Yes to continue.

      User Account Control Dialog Box

      User Account Control Dialog Box

    • Database upgrade warning: click the I am the administrator and understand the risks of upgrading checkbox and type your name in the Your Name field. Then, click Continue to proceed with the installation.

      Database Upgrade Warning Dialog Box

      Database Upgrade Warning Dialog Box

  9. Once the installation is complete, click Finish.

    Finish Button

    Finish Button

Accessing ROCK MAKER Version 4

To access from a computer installed with ROCK MAKER version 4, enter the URL below in your browser:


The example below uses 5000 as the HTTP port.


To access ROCK MAKER version 4 from a computer on the same network, replace the localhost in the above URL with the name of the computer on which ROCK MAKER version 4 is installed. Enter the URL below in your browser:


The example below uses 5000 as the HTTP port.


Computer Name

Computer Name

Registering Seats in the ROCK MAKER with Seat License


No seat registration is required for ROCK MAKER with Concurrent or Site License.

Before you can run ROCK MAKER with the Seat License, you must register a seat.


Use the computer and the browser you want to register for a seat.

To register a seat:

  1. Go to localhost:5000 or [PC name]:5000 depending on the computer you want to register for a seat.


    The example above uses 5000 as the HTTP port.

  2. On the notification page, click SETUP.

    SETUP Button

    SETUP Button

  3. You will be directed to the License submenu. Then, locate the Enterprise Edition Seat License section and click REGISTER next to the corresponding seat.


    The edition depends on your license type.

    REGISTER Button

    REGISTER Button

  4. In the Register Computer dialog box, type the computer name in the Computer Name field. Then, click REGISTER.


    Seat registration is determined by the PC and browser through which the ROCK MAKER version 4’s URL is accessed. Therefore, it is crucial to access ROCK MAKER version 4 on the intended computer. Even if you enter a computer name, that computer will not be registered if you use a different computer to access ROCK MAKER version 4 during registration.

    Register Computer Dialog Box

    Register Computer Dialog Box

    Upon completion, a confirmation message appears on top of the window.

    Registering a Seat

    Registering a Seat

HTTPS Certificate

An HTTPS certificate is only required if you access ROCK MAKER version 4 from outside your network. The HTTPS certificate is a development certificate. You should obtain a certificate for your own domain from any online certificate authority to make ROCK MAKER version 4 accessible from the internet.


The HTTPS certificate should be in a PFX format.

To use the HTTPS certificate to run ROCK MAKER version 4:

  1. Place the HTTPS certificate in the installation folder.

    See the example of an installation folder below:

    C:\Program Files\Formulatrix\RockMakerv4\

  2. In the installation folder, open the appsettings.json file and locate:

    • Type the HTTPS certificate name in the Path row, for example, “Path”: “dev-certificate.pfx”,.

    • Type the HTTPS certificate password in the Password row, for example, “Password”: “mario64”.

    appsettings.json File

    appsettings.json File

  3. Click Save or press Ctrl + S on your keyboard.

  4. Open Services and locate RockMaker Service.

  5. Right-click RockMaker Service and select Restart.

    Restart Option

    Restart Option


  1. Question: How do I skip the database backup when installing ROCK MAKER version 4?



    Make sure that the manual database backup has been done before you skip the database backup.

    1. Open Command Prompt on your computer and go to the folder where the ROCK MAKER installer is.

    2. Run the command below:

      c:\>msiexec /i “RockMaker v4.5.2.3.msi” SKIPBACKUP=”TRUE”


      Replace the RockMaker v4.5.2.3.msi in the above command with your ROCK MAKER version. Make sure you enter an accurate version number.

    3. Press Enter.

  2. Question: Why does nothing appear when accessing http://localhost:5000?


    The service might have stopped running on the ROCK MAKER version 4 server. To solve this problem, go to the server machine and select one of the following:

    Restart your computer.


    1. Open Services.

    2. Locate RockMaker Service.

      RockMaker Service

      RockMaker Service

    3. Right-click and select Restart.

    4. Clear the browser cache.

    5. Open Task Manager and make sure MaintenanceModeServer is not running. If it is running, end that process.

  3. Question: Why do no images appear in the Canvas menu? This also happens in the Drop and Compare menus.

    Answer: Since ROCK MAKER version 4 requires some pre-processing to display the images, it takes a few moments. A green progress chart appears on the bottom right bar of the experiment page to show the progress.

    Green Progress Chart

    Green Progress Chart

    If nothing works after waiting for a few moments, this issue might relate to your image store’s access right. To solve this issue:

    1. Open Services on the ROCK MAKER version 4 server machine.

    2. Locate RockMaker Service and double-click on it.

      RockMaker Service

      RockMaker Service

    3. In the RockMaker Service Properties (Local Computer), open the Log On tab.

    4. Select This account in the Log on as section and do the following.

      • Type your computer username in the This account field or click Browse for an advanced user search.

      • Type your computer password in the Password field.

      • Retype your computer password in the Confirm password field.

      RockMaker Service Properties (Local Computer) Dialog Box

      RockMaker Service Properties (Local Computer) Dialog Box

      Once everything is set, click OK.

  4. Question: How can I change the port when or after installing ROCK MAKER version 4?

    Answer: You can keep the default port and change it once you complete the installation.

    To change the port:

    1. Go to your ROCK MAKER version 4 directory and open appsettings.json.

    2. Locate the following configuration keys in the orange boxes in the image below and input your new port. See the examples below:

      “Url”: “http://*:7000/”

      “Url”: “https://*:7001/”

      Configuration Keys

      Configuration Keys

    3. Click Save save_config_keys or press Ctrl + S on your keyboard to apply the changes.

    4. Go to Services on your computer and restart RockMaker Service.

      RockMaker Service

      RockMaker Service