Explore Menu

Explore menu is the main file structure for your experiments. It allows you to organize your projects, experiments, and protein formulations inside folders and projects.

Explore Menu

Explore Menu

one Top Command Bar

two Nodes Panel

three Main Explore Panel

four Administrative Tools

five Side Panel

Using Explore Menu

The Explore menu is divided into 5 parts: the Top Command Bar at the top, the Nodes Panel on the left, the Main Explore Panel in the center, Administrative Tools, and the Side Panel on the right.

Top Command Bar

Located on the top of the software window, you can find the Support Tools, Wizard, Search All, and Filter buttons here.

Top Command Bar

Top Command Bar






Enables you to:

  • Send an email to FORMULATRIX support to check if email settings are valid and the email is successfully sent through the Generate Test Email option.

  • Help the ROCK MAKER team to provide better features based on your usage through the Usage Stats option.



Allows you to use Screen Experiment Wizard, Batchload Experiment Wizard, or Protein Formulation Wizard.

Search All


Enables you to search any items within the Explore menu using project or folder, experiment, screen, and protein criteria.



Allows you to search a target within the selected folder.

Group By


Allows you to group items in the selected folder using available criteria, None and Type.

Sort By


Allows you to sort the data in the selected folder based on available criteria: Type, Name, Date Created, Owner, and Group By.



Offers four options to view the Explore menu: List View, Content View, Thumbnail View, and Detail View.

Search All

Search All is a feature available in the top command bar. This can be used to search any Project/Folder, Experiments, Screens, Protein, or Seeds from the entire Explore menu.

Search All Tab

Search All Tab

The Search All tab consists of two sections, the search and result sections.

  • Search Section

    It is where you define a target search. You can type a keyword in the Search field and select a target by clicking any appropriate checkbox(es) (Project/Folder, Experiments, Screens, Protein, or Seeds).


    Defining the Search field and Search Target checkbox(es) will activate the Search button next to the Search field.

    Search Button

    Search Button

  • Result Section

    This section displays the search result(s) in a table containing information about Plate ID, Experiment ID, Project Name, File Name, Plate Name, Owner, Barcode, Date Prepared, and Action. The arrows arrows in each column allow you to filter it.

    Search Result Table

    Search Result Table


    • Selecting the checkbox on the header row will select all results.

    • The Delete delete and Copy copy buttons on the top right result section will only be active when you select a result.

      Selecting the Checkbox on the Header Row

      Selecting the Checkbox on the Header Row

      The Copy button copy is an extremely useful feature that can be used to copy the selected search results and paste them to any external editor applications like Notepad and Microsoft Word.

    • Under the Action column, two buttons are available. Clicking image37 button allows you to open the experiment in a new tab, while clicking image17 button opens up the folder containing the target.


The Filter field enables you to find a target within the selected or opened folder by typing in a keyword.

Using Filter

Using Filter

Nodes Panel

The nodes include Quick Access, Screens, Projects, Searches, and Synchrotron Trips.

Nodes Panel

Nodes Panel

Quick Access

You can pin either projects or folders into Quick Access to access them easily.

Quick Access

Quick Access


  • You have a project or folder.

To pin projects or folders to Quick Access:

  1. Go to the Explore menu and click a project or folder.

  2. On the Administrative Tools bar, click pin_to_quick_access.

    Pin Button

    Pin Button

  3. A message informing your folder or experiment has been successfully pinned will appear.

Screens Node

The Screens node contains the screens you create and several folders organized by vendor, where you find commonly used commercial screens. FORMULATRIX always strives to keep these screens up-to-date, and occasionally you might need to update and import screen conditions from the ROCK MAKER XML Screen Files repository under the Resources section on the ROCK MAKER page of the FORMULATRIX website. It is where you can also check for updates on the existing screen files in your ROCK MAKER. You can download the updated version and import it to ROCK MAKER if that’s the case.


ROCK MAKER supports screens in an XML file format. Thus, if you wish to import a screen file from another company, it must be in a supported XML format.

Screens Node

Screens Node

Projects Node

The Projects node project is where you create and organize your experiments and protein formulations. The window will open by default after you click the Explore menu. You can organize the Projects node into folders and projects. Folders folders may include other specific folders and projects, while a project projectfoldericon is where you can store other specific folders, experiments, screens, protein formulations, and fragment screens.

Before you can start designing an experiment or a screen, you must first create a project. Read more on Creating a Project.


You can only create experiments, screens, and protein formulations inside a project; a folder only aids organization.

Project Example

Project Example

Folder Example

Folder Example

Searches Node

The Searches node allows you to easily find items based on particular criteria, ranging from general to the most specific, that you can define accordingly. Read more about Searches.

Searches Node

Searches Node

Synchrotron Trips Node

The Synchrotron Trips node allows you to easily create and access synchrotron trips. For more information, go to Creating Synchrotron Trips.

Synchrotron Trips Node

Synchrotron Trips Node

Main Explore Panel

Main explore panel is located in the center; anything selected in the Nodes panel will appear here. For example, if we select a project a_project, its contents will open up in the Main Explore panel, as shown below.

Main Explore Panel

Main Explore Panel

Administrative Tools

Administrative Tools

Administrative Tools






Allows you to open a file. The button will be enabled if you click a file.



Allows you to add Project, Folder, Experiment, Screens, Protein, Fragment Screen, and Synchrotron Trips.



Allows you to cut a file or folder and paste it to any location within the same node.



Allows you to copy a file to any location within the same node.



Allows you to paste a file to any location within the same node.



Enables you to rename a folder’s name.



Allows you to delete a project, screen file, synchrotron trip, image management task, or search settings.

Print Barcode


Allows you to print the barcode of an experiment.

Hits Report


Allows you to generate a report of an experiment with drops scored as hits. Read more on Generating a Hits Report.

Pin to Quick Access


Allows you to pin projects or folders to Quick Access.



Allows you to select

  • Access Right to open the Manage Access Rights dialog box.

  • Send to Autoscore to send drop images to the auto scoring models.

  • Analyze to

    • create a search and filter file without going to its node in the Explore menu through the Create New Search and Filter option.

    • easily access the search and filter files through the Searches option.

    • easily access the search and filter files in the Projects node through the Projects option.

  • Force Unlock to open an experiment and inspect its images and information while deleting the experiment.

  • Storage Info (will be available soon).

Side Panel

A side panel is a panel displaying information that appears on the right side of your ROCK MAKER window. The panel will be displayed when you open an experiment.


The side panel will be different from one experiment to another. It depends on the experiment you open. The following example shows the side panel of an opened project.

An Example of Side Panel: Project Side Panel

An Example of Side Panel: Project Side Panel

Project Side Panel

Once you click a project, the following buttons appear on the top right bar of its side panel.

Project Side Panel Example

Project Side Panel Example




Project Information


Allows you to view the project information. Here, you can use the Edit button edit_button_project_info to edit the Owner and Imaging Schedule fields or add notes.

Project Information Section

Project Information Section

Crystal Preview


Allows you to view the information of all crystals in a project.

Folder Side Panel

This side panel displays folder information.

Folder Side Panel Example

Folder Side Panel Example

Experiment Side Panel

Once you click an experiment, the following buttons appear on the top right bar of its side panel.

Experiment Side Panel Example

Experiment Side Panel Example




Plate Preview


Allows you to preview the experiment plate. Clicking the plate image will direct you to the experiment page.

Plate Image in Plate Preview Section

Plate Image in Plate Preview Section

Experiment Information


Allows you to view the experiment information.



Allows you to select Convert to Screen (will be available soon), Image Now, Experiment Report (will be available soon), Mark as Dispensed/Dispensed (will be available soon), Dispensed with Alchemist (will be available soon), Export to Text File, Export to XML, or Export POI.

Screen Side Panel

Once you click a screen, the following buttons appear on the top right bar of its side panel.

Screen Side Panel Example

Screen Side Panel Example




Lots Information


Allows you to preview the screen lot. Clicking the screen lot image will direct you to the screen page.

Screen Lot Image in Lots Information Section

Screen Lot Image in Lots Information Section

Experiment Information


Allows you to view the screen information.



Allows you to select Rotate Canvas (will be available soon), Screen Stock Report, Dispensed with Alchemist (will be available soon), or Export to XML.

Protein Side Panel

This side panel displays protein information.

Protein Side Panel Example

Protein Side Panel Example

Synchrotron Trips Side Panel

This side panel displays synchrotron trip information.

Synchrotron Trips Side Panel Example

Synchrotron Trips Side Panel Example

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