Generating a Synchrotron Trip Report

Synchrotron trip report keeps complete records of your synchrotron trip in a PDF. You can generate the report from the Synchrotron Trip node or experiment page and customize it to include information only or both information and result.

OPTION 1: Generating a report from the Synchrotron Trip Node

  1. Open a synchrotron trip file, and the Synchrotron Trip Info submenu will open by default.

    Synchrotron Trip Info Submenu

    Synchrotron Trip Info Submenu

  2. Click the Report button report on the top right bar of your window, and the Synchrotron Trip Report dialog box will appear.


    The Report button is also accessible from the Synchrotron Trip Results submenu results_tab.

    Synchrotron Trip Report Dialog Box

    Synchrotron Trip Report Dialog Box

    • Select Synchrotron Trip Information to generate the information only.

    • Select Synchrotron Trip Information and Synchrotron Result to generate both the information and result.


      You can’t select Synchrotron Result only.

    • Click Preview to see what the report will look like before downloading.

    • Click Save to download the report as a PDF, and it will be stored on your local drive.

      Synchrotron Trip Report Example

      Synchrotron Trip Report Example

      Synchrotron Trip Report Example

      Synchrotron Trip Report Example

OPTION 2: Generating a report from the Experiment Page

  1. On the experiment page, open a harvested experiment and click the Reports button on the top bar. Then, select Synchrotron Trip.

    Selecting Synchrotron Trip Report

    Selecting Synchrotron Trip Report

  2. In the Synchrotron Trip Report dialog box, select the synchrotron trip by clicking a checkbox(es) in the Selected column.

    If you want to generate a report for all synchrotron trips in the experiment, tick Select all synchrotron trips.

    Synchrotron Trip Report Dialog Box

    Synchrotron Trip Report Dialog Box

    Then, select:

    • Preview to see what the report will look like before downloading.

    • Save to download the report as a PDF, and it will be stored on your local drive.

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