Merging Ingredient Stocks¶
To merge ingredient stocks:
Go to the Setup menu and select the Ingredients submenu.
Ingredients Submenu
Select an ingredient with multiple stocks and click the Open button
In the ingredient dialog box, go to the Stocks section. Select two stocks with the same type, concentration, concentration unit, and pH and click the Merge Stocks button
Stocks Section
In the Merge Ingredient Stocks dialog box, you can:
Click COPY ALL in the Stock 1 or Stock 2 section to add all information from the corresponding stock to the Merge Stock section.
Merging Ingredient Stocks Using COPY ALL
Click a field in the Stock 1 or Stock 2 section and click
on the corresponding field in the Merge Stock section to add the information.
Merging Ingredient Stocks by Clicking Each Field
Click CLEAR ALL to discard changes.
If everything is set, click Merge.
Click Save
on the top right bar of the ingredient dialog box.
Save Button
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