Sending Images to Autoscores


As long as you activate the autoscoring model(s), all images from the imager system are automatically scored. You can use this feature

  • if you want to score the unscored images from the previous inspection.

  • if you want to score the scored images from the previous inspection with the newly selected autoscoring model.

To score imaged experiments, send them for autoscoring using either:

Sending Images from the Explore Menu

To send images from the Explore menu:

  1. Open the Explore menu and click an experiment.

    Explore Menu

    Explore Menu

  2. Go to the Administrative Tools section and click more. Then, select Send to Autoscore.

    Administrative Tools Section

    Administrative Tools Section

Sending Images from the Experiment Page

To send images from the experiment page:

  1. Open an experiment.

  2. On the top right bar, click Score score_button.

  3. In the Score panel, click the Auto Score tab and click Send for Autoscoring send_for_autoscoring.

    Auto Score Tab in the Score Panel

    Auto Score Tab in the Score Panel

The scores appear in the top right corner of each image. In the example below, two autoscoring models are displayed, MARCO and Sherlock. The displayed autoscore result is based on the autoscoring model(s) you activate in the Global Preferences submenu.

Autoscore Results

Autoscore Results