Ingredients Setup Submenu

Accessible from the Setup menu, the Ingredients submenu is a central repository of available ingredients: built-in ingredients commonly used in commercial screens offered by ROCK MAKER upon installation and the ones you create. This repository provides all the information for ROCK MAKER to compute the amount of each ingredient to add to a well solution based on an experiment design.

This submenu also provides information about ingredient stocks. A stock is an ingredient at a certain concentration, while a buffer stock is an ingredient at a specific pH and concentration. ROCK MAKER offers a powerful feature to define multiple stocks for an ingredient. Instead of adding a new ingredient to obtain a specific concentration or pH for an experiment, simply use a different stock of the ingredient.

The Top Bar Buttons

Top Bar Buttons

Top Bar Buttons

The buttons in the top bar allow you to:




Create New Ingredient


Create a new ingredient.



Access detailed ingredient information.

Delete Ingredient


Remove an ingredient(s) from ROCK MAKER.

Merge Ingredient


Merge two ingredients.

Liquid Class


Add a new liquid class.

Ingredient Type


Add a new ingredient type.



Add a new vendor.

Print Label


Print an ingredient label.



Import a TXT or XML ingredient file.



Export ingredient information as a Word File, Text File, XML, or XML Spreadsheet.

The Ingredient List

Ingredient List

Ingredient List

Each column in the ingredient table displays:




ID automatically generated by ROCK MAKER. It is used by the software to track ingredient information. All stocks of an ingredient have the same ID number.


Ingredient type. By default, ROCK MAKER recognizes eight ingredient types:

  • Buffer

  • Salt

  • Precipitant

  • Detergent

  • Additive

  • Polymer

  • Organic (non-volatile)

  • Organic (volatile)

An ingredient may have multiple types. Each ingredient type has its own row on the Ingredients table. When selecting an ingredient to include in an experiment design, ROCK MAKER will ask you to specify the type you wish to use. You may add more ingredient types to this list.


Ingredient’s complete name. ROCK MAKER will display an ingredient’s complete name on a screen whenever possible.

Short Name

Ingredient’s short name. If the complete name is too long to display, ROCK MAKER will show the short name instead.

Default Stock Number

Default stock selected when you add the ingredient to an experiment. Ingredients may have multiple stocks, which are separate vials of the same ingredient at different stock concentrations or pHs. You may select a different stock once an ingredient is added to an experiment.

Conc. Units

Units specifying an ingredient’s concentration values. You may use whichever units are most appropriate for your experiments. Typical values are %, %v/v, %w/v, mM, and M.

Stock Conc.

Stock ingredient concentration. ROCK MAKER can obtain the correct concentration needed for an experiment using this value.

Low Conc.

Ingredient’s default low concentration to design a grid or random experiment. This value is taken from the default stock’s low concentration value. ROCK MAKER allows you to change the ingredient you add to an experiment if necessary.

High Conc.

Ingredient’s default high concentration to design a grid or random experiment. This value is taken from the default stock’s high concentration value. ROCK MAKER allows you to change the ingredient you add to an experiment if necessary.

Liquid Class

The defined liquid class type used by your liquid handling robot to determine how to dispense an ingredient.

Stock Min pH

Lowest stock pH available for an ingredient. This column applies only to buffers.

Stock Max pH

Highest stock pH available for an ingredient. ROCK MAKER can obtain any pH between the Stock Min pH and Stock Max pH by mixing two stocks with equal concentrations. This column applies only to buffers.

Import Ingredients Options Dialog Box Overview

You might see the Import Ingredients Options dialog box appear while importing the ingredients. This happens when your imported ingredient contains the same Name, Short Name, Aliases, and CAS# as the ones in ROCK MAKER which indicates that both ingredients are conflicting.

Import Ingredients Options Dialog Box

Import Ingredients Options Dialog Box





Conflict Ingredients

Displays a list of conflicted ingredients.

ADD REST AS New Button

Click to resolve all conflicting ingredients and make each a new ingredient.

Name Field

Enter a conflicted ingredient for a quick search.

red_error indicates an error detail whose message you can see if you hover over the icon. Once the conflict has been resolved, the icon will turn to checkmark.


Status Field

Displays the conflict status, such as Long names must be unique, Short names must be unique, etc., and so on.


Add New Ingredient Option

Select this option to input a new ingredient.

Stocks Ingredients Options Section


  • Always add missing stocks to automatically add stocks from the incoming ingredients to an existing ingredients when it does not have the required stocks.


  • If possible, use existing stocks from to automatically choose an existing stock from your selected vendor. To use this option, select a vendor from the provided options.

Incoming Ingredients Section

  • Add and input the data of the new ingredient, including Long Name, Short Name, Aliases, CAS#, and PKa by clicking add.

  • Select ingredient type in Type.


Long Name and Short Name are required to be unique.

Incoming Stocks Section

Input the stock data, including the Stock Concentration, Units, pH, Vendor Name, and Vendor Part#.


Use Substitute Ingredient Option

Select to use an existing ingredient from the database.

Existing Ingredients Option

Select an ingredient you want to substitute from the provided list. Enter the ingredient name in the Search Ingredient field for a quick search.


Only the existing ingredients that closely match the incoming ingredient will appear in the provided list.

Input the ingredient data, including Long Name, Short Name, Type, Aliases, CAS#, and Buffer Data.


Long Name and Short Name are required to be unique.

Existing Stocks Section

Input the stock data, including the Stock Concentration, Units, pH, Vendor Name, and Vendor Part#.