Creating a Seeding Layer

When you already have a seed, you can apply it to a layer. This is what we call a seeding layer.

To create a seeding layer:

  1. Open an experiment OR create a new one.

  2. On the experiment page, go to the Canvas menu. Then, click Add Layer on the top bar and select Seeding Layer.

    Selecting Seeding Layer

    Selecting Seeding Layer

  3. Select a seeding layer area accordingly.

    1. To select all wells, click any well on the canvas.

    2. To select some wells, click and hold the left button of your mouse while dragging it over some desired wells.

  4. The Layers Design panel will appear on the right side of your ROCK MAKER window. Then, select a seed.

    Choosing a Seed

    Choosing a Seed

  5. Adjust the seed settings in the panel appearing after selecting a seed.

    Adjusting Seed Settings

    Adjusting Seed Settings

    • Click the Name field to change the seed.

    • Select a seed volume variation from the Vary Along field.

    • Type a start seed volume in the Start field.

    Then, click Apply.

  6. To modify a seed setting, click the Edit or Delete buttons in each seed box in the Seed tab.

    Seed Tab

    Seed Tab

  7. Go to the Layers tab in the Layers Design panel (next to the Seed tab) and do the following:

    • Type a name in the Layer Name field or use the default name.

    • Select a target from the Target dropdown menu.

    • If necessary, lock the layer by clicking the Locked checkbox.

    Completing Layers Tab

    Completing Layers Tab

  8. Click Save.

    Save Button

    Save Button

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