Adding a Screen Lot

If you have a commercial screen or a customized screen, you can create a screen lot in ROCK MAKER. This allows you to keep track of the volume left in a particular screen lot and get an idea of how many more experimental plates can be dispensed with a particular screen lot. ROCK MAKER automatically reduces the volumes of screen lots when experimental plates are dispensed from them. You can add a new lot of a screen through the Screen Lots section in the Experiment Info Menu menu.

To add a screen lot:

  1. Open an existing screen experiment and go to the Experiment Info menu.

  2. Locate the Screen Lots section.

    Screen Lots Section

    Screen Lots Section

    Then, fill out the fields in the section.

    • OPTIONAL: Add a comment in the Comment field.

    • Type in the dispense and current volumes in the Dispense and Current fields.


    The Container field displays a container type based on the plate type you define.

    Comment, Dispense, and Current Fields

    Comment, Dispense, and Current Fields

  3. Click Add, and the new screen lot will be added to the list.

    Added Screen Lot

    Added Screen Lot

    You can modify the added screen lot using the three available buttons.

    Print, Edit, and Delete Buttons

    Print, Edit, and Delete Buttons

  4. Click the Save button save_experiment_info_menu on the top right bar of your screen.

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