Shipment Request In

Shipment Request In (SRI) is a follow-up transaction after a Shipment Request Out (SRO). Once the items shipped from FUSA arrive at the destination warehouse in Indonesia, the warehouse staff will create an SRI transaction to record the items in TIGA and confirm that the items have arrived.

To create an SRI:

  1. Open the Transactions table.

  2. Create a new record. In the Create New Transactions window, complete the fields below.

    Field Name


    Issuance Type

    Select Shipment Request In.


    Refer to the Company ID column in the PO Shipment.

    • PSL: Promanufacture Salatiga - Import

    • PSM: Promanufacture - Import

    Purchase Order ID

    Select the PO ID used for shipping the items from FUSA.


    The PO ID is written on the delivery order & invoice of the shipped items.

    Tracking Number

    Select your Purchase Order ID.


    If the “Exim” team has inputted the tracking number, TIGA will automatically display the tracking number after you select your Purchase Order ID.


    You can leave other fields blank as they are not required to create SRI transactions.

Post Condition:

TIGA will automatically generate an Open SRI, and the “Warehouse” team will check and confirm the item’s quality and quantity. Once confirmed, TIGA will generate the confirmed TLI (Transaction Line Items) fetched from the PO Shipment POLI, and the “Warehouse” team will update the status to Closed.

Open Shipment Request In Transaction

Open Shipment Request In Transaction


TIGA will not generate the TLI for unconfirmed Shipment Request Out items.