Stock Opname

Stock Opname is used to match up goods/parts stock records with their actual quantities. The stock opname process should be done regularly at least once a month. During the stock opname process, the warehouse team will have to manually count the goods/parts available in the warehouse and adjust their stock records in the application as needed.

Stock Opname process involves several groups of steps:

  • Creating new stock opname

  • Verifying goods quantity

  • Editing Stock Opname Line Items (SOLI)

Creating new stock opname:

  1. Open the Stock Opname table in TIGA Bonded Zone.

  2. Click the Plus button at the top-left of the screen to open the Create New Stock Opname window.

  3. In the Create New Stock Opname window, type or select the appropriate information for the following fields:

    • Is Final — Ignore this option.

    • Date — Select the date that the stock opname will be created.

    • Warehouse — Select the specific warehouse where you will do the stock opname process.

  4. Click the Create button in the lower-right corner of the Create New Stock Opname window.

At this point the application will send a .CSV file that contains information about all goods to the stock opname creator email address. Proceed to Verifying goods quantity.

Verifying goods quantity:

  1. Open the .CSV file and verify/edit the goods quantity information. You will have to manually count the actual goods quantity and edit the quantity information in the .CSV file as needed. Make sure the Quantity column is properly filled/not empty.

  2. Save the .CSV file.

  3. Return to the Stock Opname table.

  4. Click Stock Opname Line Items under the Related Tables.

  5. Click the Table menu, then click Import to open the Import Stock Opname Line Items window.

  6. In the Import Stock Opname Line Items window, click Browse, find the .CSV file you have modified.

  7. Click Import in the lower-right corner of the Import to Stock Opname Line Items window.

At this point Stock Opname Line Items (SOLI) automatically created. Proceed to Editing Stock Opname Line Items (SOLI).

Editing Stock Opname Line Items (SOLI)

  1. Return to the Stock Opname table and select the stock opname record.

  2. Under the Related Tables, identify SOLI that has different Expected Quantity and Actual Quantity information.

  3. Click Transactions under the Stock Opname Line Items table, click the Record menu, and click Add to open the Create New Transactions window.

  4. In the Create New Transactions window, type or select the appropriate information for the following fields:

    • Date — Select the date that the transaction will be created.

    • Issuance Type — Select Stock Opname Adjustment from the Issuance Type list.

    • Warehouse — Select the specific warehouse where you will do the stock opname process.

    • Employee — Select the person who creates the transaction.

  5. Click Create in the lower-right corner of the Create New Transactions window.

At this point Transaction and Transaction Line items (TALI) automatically created. The TALI status will automatically change to Confirmed.